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Urge Senators to Protect Deserving, Carefully Vetted Syrian and Iraqi Refugee Families  January 15th, 2016


Last November, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 4038, The American Security against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act, which would effectively halt all resettlement of Syrian and Iraqi refugees in the United States for a protracted time.

On Wednesday, January 20, 2016 the legislation will be voted on in the U.S. Senate.

Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, Chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Migration, issued a statement that said, “they are extremely vulnerable families, women, and children who are fleeing for their lives. We cannot and should not blame them for the actions of a terrorist organization.”

Your U.S. Senators need to hear from you and fellow parishioners that you oppose H.R. 4038 and other bills that would stop or halt the resettlement of Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

Take Action:

Call your Senators at this phone number -1-866-940-2439- TODAY & EVERY DAY leading up to the January 20 vote: Urge them to vote NO to H.R. 4038 and any legislation that would stop, pause or defund the resettlement of Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

Sample Script:

“I’m a constituent from [State] and I support the resettlement of Syrian and Iraqi refugees. I am opposed to any bill that would stop or pause the resettlement of refugees of any nationality or religion. I urge the Senator to vote NO to H.R. 4038, The American SAFE Act.”




US Catholic Bishops: End Deportation Raids and Detention of Immigrant Mothers with Children January 14th, 2016

Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, auxiliary bishop of Seattle and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Migration and Bishop Kevin Vann of Orange, California, chairman of Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., (CLINIC) are calling on the Obama Administration to stop deportation raids and detention of immigrant mothers with children.

We find such targeting of immigrant women and children – most of whom fled violence and persecution in their home countries – to be inhumane and a grave misuse of limited enforcement resources,” in a letter addressed to the Secretary of Homeland Security.

 Full letter is available here: 

PBS interviews ICCR leadership for segment on corporate responsibility January 12th, 2016

PBS recently conducted interviews with Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) leadership, including Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI (ICCR’s board chairman), Cathy Rowan and David Schilling for a piece on faith-based groups and their work around corporate responsibility. Watch the 8-minute segment here.



Oblate featured on International Business News Channel January 11th, 2016

Seamus P. FinnFr. Seamus Finn, OMI discusses a proposal that calls for a greater level of transparency and shareholder participation with Viacom…

Read the full article.






2015 Year in Review – Oblate JPIC office December 31st, 2015

  • Expanded JPIC visits to Oblates ministry places: Godfrey, IL, Our Lady of the Snows Shrine, Saint Ann Parish in Peñitas, Saint Eugene De Mazenod Parish, Our Lady of Refuge, Roma, Cathedral in Brownsville, Eagle  Pass and Tijuana and  other Oblate parishes, shrines. 


  • Collaboration with OST and Formation House in San AntonioA reflection day by JPIC for scholastics at Sexton House of Studies, and Collaboration initiative with Oblate School of Theology has been initiated.

  • Oblate JPIC sign-on letter urging U.S. Congress to welcome Syrian refugees of all faith traditions. Joined over 400 faith leaders.

  • JPIC Staff Meets with Partner Organizations. The meetings have focused on sharing areas of common effort and learning about new initiatives and programs.

  • Renewing Our Ministry: Pope Francis in the United States – summaries and quotes of speeches produced by the JPIC staff.

  • Fr Seamus in BishopscourtFr. Seamus Finn OMI was featured on Bloomberg TV discussing socially responsible engagements with Bank of America. The New York Times also interviewed Fr. Seamus about corporate engagements with Bank of America.

  • Vatican Radio has interviewed Fr. Daniel LeBlanc OMI, Missionary Oblates General Administration representative to the United Nations and VIVAT in New York about the impact of Pope Francis Encyclical Laudato Si’ on United Nations deliberations.

  • Oblate JPIC office, in collaboration with the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) applauded the introduction in the House of Representatives of the Business Supply Chain Transparency on Trafficking and Slavery Act of 2015.

  • Oblate JPIC participated in the global Oblate online conference, Oblate Charism in Context in San Antonio, Texas, presenting, “The charism in North America in the context of JPIC.”

  • JPIC signed a letter to Secretary Kerry from faith-based organizations, supporting a U.S law, creating more transparency in oil and mining payments to governments.

  • Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI participated in two conferences on mining, one at the Vatican, and one in Cape Town, South Africa, discussing with Church leaders and mining CEOs the environmental impact of mining operations.

  • Pope Francis’ “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home,” published on May 24. Missionary Oblates JPIC produced reflection resources for the encyclical.


  • Fr. Seamus Finn OMI feature in Huffington Post: What Pope Francis Can Teach the Presidents of Catholic Colleges and Universities.

  • Oblate Community Supported Garden at La Vista in Godfrey Illinois hosted the successful Feast in the Field, celebrating the garden and its dedication to help feed the local community sustainably

  • JPIC Committee Chair Gary Huelsmann, honored by Madison County Bar Association with annual Liberty Bell Award.

  • Production resource for Advent by staff: 2015 Advent with Saint Eugène De Mazenod.


  • JPIC staff attended a national conference on Migration in Chicago sponsored by the U.S. College of Bishops.

  • New JPIC Committee meeting appointed: Fr. Quilin Bouzi, OMI and Mr. Victor Carmona. (OST).

  • New JPIC Staff: Rowena (Communications), Meghan (Office Coordinator) and Sr. Nathaniel (Intern).

  • JPIC hosted Open House for partners’ organizations and offices from the DC area that we collaborate with on different issues.

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