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Mary Immaculate, Santa Rosa, St Elisabeth & OneLA Make Waves with LA County Supervisors May 23rd, 2014

Thanks to Edward Chavez, OneLA organizer in Mary Immaculate and Santa Rosa parishes for sending this statement on the group’s latest success in LA!

2104Over eight hundred people from churches, schools, synagogues, and civic organizations throughout Los Angeles packed the Los Angeles Supervisor’s boardroom on May 20, 2014. The message was clear: We are united in our call for increased funding for Healthy Way LA, the county’s health coverage program for the undocumented and remaining uninsured.

IMG_2610Reactions from the Supervisors were mixed. Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas showed signs of support and was pleased with the large turnout from schools, clinics, synagogues and churches in his district. However, it was obvious that much work needs to be done to ensure a second and third vote to increase funding.


During the board meeting, OneLA leaders were successful in securing a follow up meeting with Supervisor Gloria Molina and her staff. Supervisor Yaroslavsky has also agreed to continue the conversation.

As a result of OneLA’s packing the Board meeting, the Supervisors called the Director of the County’s Health Services Department to drop what he was doing and come to the Board meeting. Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas asked Director Mitch Katz to offer an explanation for why nearly one thousand County residents are calling for more funding. Dr. Katz offered a weak response, reasserting that he does not see a need for additional funding. Our big turnout was instrumental in demonstrating to the Board that Dr. Katz’ assessment of the County’s need does not accurately reflect the real need in our communities. We must continue to make sure that the community’s voice is heard loud and clear- more funding is essential!photo 1-1

We thank Supervisor Antonovich and his staff for ensuring that our leaders were recognized and given time to address the board. Speakers included: Jim Mangia, Director of St John’s Well Child and Family Center, Fabiola Sandoval of the Boyle Height’s Building Healthy Communities Collaborative, Mary Jackson from St Brigid Church and Fr. Bruce Wellems, pastor of San Gabriel Mission Catholic Church. As our speakers closed, hundreds One LA and other organizations rose to their feet and applauded the Supervisors for their leadership thus far. We then left the boardroom together, determined to continue the fight- together as One LA.

A follow up meeting will be held on Thursday May 29th 7:00pm, place to be announced.




Oblates Press Banks to Restore Public Trust May 21st, 2014


JP Morgan Chase Tower, Houston, TX; by Gabor Eszes, used under Creative Commons license, Wikimedia Commons

JP Morgan Chase Tower, Houston, TX; by Gabor Eszes, used under Creative Commons license, Wikimedia Commons

Fr. Seamus Finn OMI represented the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and other members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) at the Annual General Meeting of JP Morgan Chase in Tampa on Tuesday.

Fr. Finn commended the bank on the steps taken thus far to produce a report commissioned by the Board of Directors in response to an ICCR shareholder proposal. The report is to describe “the steps that the Firm has taken to address a number of challenges it faced” since the near collapse of the global financial system in 2008.

Fr. Finn noted that “too many people are still living with the consequences of that crisis and the TRUST and confidence of the public has neither been repaired or restored. We believe the report that we have requested and our company has agreed to complete over the coming months can, when its recommendations are implemented, make a contribution to the restoration of the trust that is necessary for the reliable, safe, effective and ethical functioning of the financial system.”

Read the complete Statement at JP Morgan Chase AGM






Join “Campaign Nonviolence”. May 19th, 2014

Brochure_flapPax Christi USA, of which OMI JPIC is a member, has endorsed Campaign Nonviolence, a movement to promote non-violence that is being circulated through Pace e Bene.

This campaign works to connect the dots between poverty, militarism, racism and the environment, and is promoting study groups around the country as well as direct action to serve as a public witness. Campaign Nonviolence will take action September 21-27 in cities across the United States as part of the long-term struggle to abolish war, end poverty, reverse climate change, and to build a culture of peace.

Please visit the Pace e Bene website where you will find a wealth of information and suggestions for concrete actions to support the Campaign.

Trainings in non-violence are being held around the country, with one scheduled for Los Angeles on June 7-8, 2014.


Immigration Reform Advocates Protest in San Antonio May 16th, 2014

Patti Radle, Oblate JPIC Committee member, sent us pictures and information about a a lively protest on May 12th in downtown San Antonio calling for Immigration reform. The occasion was a talk at the Marriot Hotel by House Speaker John Boehner. Bexar County Young Tejano Democrats took the lead on organizing this event, which drew many people to shout “Immigration reform NOW!” and to speak about the need to stop the deportations and the separation of family members. At one point, rally participants entered the Marriot to deliver a letter to Boehner but politely left when they were told they were not welcome in the hotel. The group succeeded in getting the letter to Speaker Boehner’s staff.

Below are pictures from the protest:












































Kidnapping in Nigeria a Tragic Reminder that Trafficking and Slavery Persist Worldwide May 16th, 2014

Constant vigilance and the full participation of all stakeholders is required to guard against hidden human rights abuses.

ICE.gove_trafficing-225x225Over 200 schoolgirls were kidnapped on April 14th by Boko Haram in Nigeria, setting off a firestorm of concern from around the world. In messages to the Nigerian government the extremists have referred to the girls as slaves and threatened to “sell them on the market”. The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), a shareholder coalition that has been working to highlight human trafficking and modern slavery in corporate supply chains, adds it voice to the many religious, governmental, non-governmental and international institutions calling for the mobilization of all necessary resources and expertise to help locate and free the missing girls. The Oblates are active participants in ICCR and work through the coalition to abolish human trafficking and modern day slavery.

Click here to read more »

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