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The Grace of Earth March 11th, 2014


“Our Earth is talking to us and we must listen to it and decipher its message if we want to survive” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, 2007

This lenten reflection – again, thanks to the Columban Fathers – explores six Earth life support systems as ways of “God revealing, God inspiring, God challenging”.  The resource offers reflections on Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, fresh water, land, plant life, and animal life.

We are encouraged to “… meditate in wonder and thanksgiving at the beauty and complexity of Earth’s eco-cycles. We reflect in sadness and outrage at our human abuse. We ask for forgiveness and decide on positive action for change.”

You can find The Grace of Earth here. (downloadable PDF available)


Stations of the Forest March 10th, 2014

We would like to thank the Columban Fathers for the powerful Stations of the Forest video. It is a compelling narrative of the destruction of the forest that has ruined ecosystems from the Philippines to Brazil – a destruction that imperils the world.

Following the format of The Stations of the Cross this prayerful resource laments the stages in the death of part of God’s Creation. It incorporates issues related to rainforest destruction: extractive industries, loss of biodiversity and climate change.

A Booklet accompanies the DVD, providing the script, an agenda for meetings, a reflection on the Stations, and prayers. (download booklet here)

Download – The Grace of Forests Lenten resource




Each Wednesday in Lent… March 7th, 2014

1901407_1428006570776240_713257666_nIt’s the beginning of the 40 days of Lent, a period for sacrifice, prayer and almsgiving. You are invited to join in the Fast 4 Families every Wednesday as a sacrifice and solidarity for immigration reform.

Take the pledge here: Fast every Wednesday during the season of Lent as an act of witness to the fierce moral urgency of protecting immigrant families that are torn apart every day.





Latest NEWSBRIEF from the USG-USIG JPIC Commission March 6th, 2014

logoThe Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation USG/UISG Secretariat has issued their Newsbrief for February 2014. The newsletter is available in English. The Spanish version will be forthcoming.

Useful resources are given for Lent and other occasions, including World Water Day, coming up on March 22nd.  (Download PDF)


Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leads High Profile Group to Geneva on Sri Lanka March 6th, 2014

Archbishop Tutu (picture: Wikimedia Commons)

Archbishop Tutu (picture: Wikimedia Commons)

Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa and other human rights campaigners have urged the United Nations Human Rights Council to commit to an independent international investigation in the form of a Commission of Inquiry into human rights violations in Sri Lanka.

The following is the text of their statement:

We, concerned individuals and organisations from around the world, urge the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to use their March 2014 session to pass a resolution that will include a commitment to an Independent International investigation in the form of a Commission of Inquiry. Only this will help to put the country on the path to justice and reconciliation.

Click here to read more »

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