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Christians join Civic Activists in Seeking Justice for the Disappeared in Sri Lanka December 13th, 2011

Protests call on authorities to release detainees and halt rights violations.

Christians and human rights groups joined families of missing people and political prisoners in a protest in Colombo yesterday to demand the release of their loved ones, to learn their whereabouts and against crackdowns on political activists.

According to United Nations figures, more than 12,000 people went missing during the country’s civil war and rights groups believe there are more than 8,000 political prisoners languishing in prison.

The protesters held photos, placards, banners and shouted slogans as they marched through the city center.

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December 10th: Human Rights Day December 6th, 2011

Celebrate Human Rights Day in your congregation the weekend of December 9-11. The National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT), of which Missionary Oblates JPIC is a member, has prayers, worship and action resources for Human Rights Day available on their website. Visit NRCAT: Human Rights Day and work to prevent torture.

Politicians Slow to Act, Despite Warnings from Scientists December 6th, 2011

Fr. Sean McDonagh, SSC reflects on why it is so urgent for politicians meeting in Durban, South Africa for the global climate talks to act quickly and forcefully. (Download PDF)

2011 WORLD AIDS DAY November 29th, 2011

December 1 is World AIDS Day. The theme is “Getting to Zero.” Launched by the World AIDS Campaign and supported by the United Nations AIDS campaign, the “Getting to Zero” campaign runs until 2015 and focuses on the goals of zero new infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths.

The new UNAIDS 2011 report, entitled How to Get to Zero: Faster, Smarter, Better, shows worldwide deaths from AIDS at their lowest level since 2005, signaling a 21 percent drop overall. According to the report, globally, there were an estimated 34 million people living with HIV in 2010, and since 2005, AIDS-related deaths decreased from 2.2 million to 1.8 million. The report attributed the marked decline in AIDS-related deaths to increased availability and use of lifesaving antiretroviral drugs.

What Can You Do

Pray: Pray for orphaned children who are unable to receive treatment for AIDS. Pray for workers who are bringing treatment to those who are suffering. Pray for churches that are reaching out to those with HIV and AIDS in their own communities. Liturgies and worship resources from past World AIDS Days are available here at Catholic Relief Services website:

Advocate: Contact your Senators and Representative to urge them to support a 2012 budget that preserves robust help for our most impoverished neighbors. If Congress approves the current proposed 2012 budget, 3.7 million people will not be tested for HIV, and 58,000 pregnant women won’t receive medicine that ensures that their babies are HIV-free.


The Right to Water and Sanitation – A Practical Guide November 2nd, 2011

On 28 July 2010 the United Nations General Assembly officially recognised the Human Right to Water and Sanitation. To help make this Human Right a reality, Franciscans International and WaterLex have co-developed a learning manual for grassroots religious communities.

The purpose of this manual is to provide interested communities with an overview and some tools to address water access and governance challenges in everyday life. 

It explains progressively, over 7 sections, how to become aware of water and sanitation challenges as well as the planning of facilitation and advocacy activities at the local, national and international level.

Download Manual (PDF)


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