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Project Grace: A Concrete Response to the Pandemic February 17th, 2021

From a very small start, Oblates at Our Lady of Grace Parish in Manila, Philippines have grown a hands-on ministry that is making an impact on the rise of hunger among the poor during the pandemic. It’s called, “Project Grace” and this engaging 12-minute video which has been seen around the world documents this important work being done by the Oblates.

Oblate Presence and Solidarity with Native Americans in Minnesota Pipeline Controversy January 27th, 2021

(Republished from
(Thanks to Fr. John Cox, OMI and Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI)
In December of 2020, construction on a replacement pipeline began in Northern Minnesota in spite of protests from environmentalists and Native American groups whose land is crossed by the pipeline. A description of the pipeline was found on the Minnesota Government website:

“According to the owner, Enbridge Energy, Limited Partnership, the purpose of the Line 3 Pipeline Replacement Project is to replace the Minnesota portion of the existing Line 3 pipeline (built in the 1960s)  to: 1) address known integrity risks, 2) reduce apportionment due to decreased transport capacity related to integrity issues, and 3) restore flexibility to the Enbridge Mainline System for more efficient operation. The new Line 3 pipeline would have an annual average capacity of 760,000 barrels per day and would serve the same markets and transport the same products as the existing Line 3 pipeline.

Operationally, the new Line 3 pipeline would continue to transport crude from Canada to the Enbridge terminal facility in Clearbrook for subsequent delivery to Minnesota refineries via interconnected pipeline facilities operated by Minnesota Pipeline Company, and would deliver crude oil to the Superior Wisconsin terminal for subsequent delivery on the Enbridge Mainline System to refineries in the Midwest, Eastern Canada, and the Gulf Coast.”

Visit to read the full story.


OMI Webinar No 3: “Emerging from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Guidance from Laudato Si” January 21st, 2021

Input talk by – Joe Gunn – Executive Director Centre Oblat – A Voice for Justice

With a video presentation about “Project GRACE” at the Oblate parish of Our Lady of Grace in the Philippines.

Registration link:

Date and Time –  January 23, 2021

OMI JPIC – Most Viewed Stories in 2020 January 19th, 2021

Want to know which stories received the most attention on OMI JPIC’s website and Facebook page in 2020? Click the link for the list and happy reading! in a new tab)

Special Release of Resources for the Week of Christian Unity January 8th, 2021


(Editor’s Note: This news release was sent out today (January 6) by Fr. Jim Brobst alerting the Oblate community (or Mazenodian Family) of resources available for the week of Christian Unity prepared by Fr. Harry Winter, OMI. Fr. Winter’s website, “Mission-Unity-Dialogue” may be accessed HERE)

 January 6, traditional feast of the Epiphany, God’s Revelation to the Nations

For All Members of the Mazenodian Family:

Special thanks to Fr. Harry Winter, OMI, for generously drawing our focus to these resources for the upcoming week of Christian Unity.  He has distilled for us some helpful resources for our own participation in this missionary endeavors, even though pandemic precautions prevent much in the way of ecumenical or interfaith gatherings in crowds.

 Admin Team

Fr. James Brobst, OMI

Please review pp.  73-76 of our Oblate Prayer book, explaining the importance of the annual Church Unity Octave, or Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  I recommend especially the material for every parish and community published by the Vatican and the World Council of Churches, available from Graymoor: Click here. The theme this year is “Abide in My Love. . . . You Shall Bear Much Fruit”(Jn.15:1-17).

These materials include “Homily Notes, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day,” which this year is Monday, Jan. 18. There is no doubt this year, with the Black Lives Matter movement, is more important than ever as we continue to overcome the effects of slavery in the USA.

During the Week of Prayer, we pray with more Evangelical Protestants than ever. They are our allies as we approach the Jan. 31 March on Washington and elsewhere to combat the effects of the Roe vs Wade abortion decision. Will President Biden and Vice-President Harris back off from the controversial position of the Democratic Party on abortion?

You may enjoy the mini-course on Christian Unity represented by the attached “Ecumenical Vademecum.”  Although it is addressed to bishops, it is clearly written for every Catholic and indeed every Christian. Do not let the 50 pages overwhelm you.  These are actually the half pages which the Vatican uses for some documents, and the language is less technical than usual.

Pope Francis continues to promote a vital New Evangelization, using elements from Popes John Paul II and Benedict, and including his special emphasis on people on the fringes.  He alerts us to the growing number of drop-out Catholics, and those belonging to no religion.  As a help for each member of the Oblate Family, please consult perhaps monthly the province website Mission-Unity-Dialogue.  You may access it in two ways, either going onto and clicking on Mission-Unity-Dialogue, the fifth item on the right “Looking for Something?” or directly using

Let us profit from this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

 The document can also be downloaded at this link: Vademecum-EN.pdf (

Rev. James P. Brobst, OMI

 Vicar Provincial for Mission & Ministry

U.S. Province, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

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