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Frs. Antonio Ponce and Daniel Ziegler Support Dream Campaign Vigil at White House August 28th, 2017

Two critical programs – the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protective Status (TPS) are in danger.  DACA is under imminent threat of lawsuit by TX Attorney General along with nine states and TPS is facing threat of cancellation by the Trump Administration. 

DACA provides eligible immigrant youth the chance to live, study, and work without fear of deportation for a temporary period. Nearly 800,000 young people are currently pursuing their hopes and American dreams, freed from constant fear of getting torn from their families by immigration enforcement, thanks to DACA protection. Similarly, Temporary Protective Status (TPS) has opened hundreds of thousands of opportunities to approximately 400,000 people. 

Fr. Antonio Ponce (far left) and Fr. Daniel Ziegler (back row, far right)

Beginning August 15, the Franciscan Action Network (FAN)and other groups initiated a vigil in front of the White House with supporters rotating shifts daily. The vigil is aimed at bringing together immigrants, their families and friends, and supporters to fight for youth and their futures.

Work of OIP Investment Trust Cited in The Economist Magazine August 23rd, 2017

The OIP Investment Trust was mentioned in a piece on impact investing from last week’s Economist magazine. “It is a pretty unusual place for the Oblate missionary presence to get attention,” says Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI, Chief of Faith Consistent Investment.
“It does however demonstrate, I would argue, that the innovative vision of the founders of the OIP some 25 years ago is bearing fruit and at the forefront of developing new ideas, avenues and strategies for bringing the Good News to this essential sector of society.”

Read the article in PDF format.

Visit The Economist’s website.


Fr. Roy Snipes, OMI Leads March Against Proposed Border Wall August 21st, 2017

On Saturday, August 12, Fr. Roy Snipes, OMI, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe church in the border city of Mission, TX, led a procession to La Lomita Mission in efforts to raise awareness and resist the plans to build a border wall in the Rio Grande Valley. The proposed wall would leave behind their land and river. The historical La Lomita Mission would be walled off along with many miles of a wildlife reserve. This community is speaking up in hopes that their voice will reaches the rest of the nation. 

Read news reports about the event:

Advocates stage first big Texas protest against border wall

Protest against proposed wall held at church

Watch a video of the event on YouTube


New Solar Hot Water System Installed at Albergue Las Memorias August 18th, 2017

This spring OMI JPIC launched a “Hospice Vegetable Garden Initiative” at Albergue Las Memorias A.C., a residential hospice facility in Tijuana, Mexico. Because volunteers provided much of the labor for the garden, money was left over to install a solar water heater system at the residence.  So recently JPIC director Fr. Antonio Ponce, along with Oblate seminarians Erickson, Pascal, and Mr Orosco (a resident at Casa Memorias and plumber by trade) worked on installing the system. The installation was a success and residents now have hot running water. Prior to this they used wood to heat water because they could not afford gas.

(From L to R) Mr. Orosco (resident at Albergue Las Memorias), Fr. Antonio Ponce, and Pascal.

(From L to R) Erickson, Mr Orosco (resident at Albergue Las Memorias), and Pascal.



Oblates Gather with Archbishop Moreno of Tijuana August 16th, 2017

Oblates gathered with Archbishop Francisco Moreno of Tijuana. — (L-R standing) Fr. Art Flores, Fr. James Chambers, Fr. Lucio Castillo, Fr. James Brobst, Archbishop Moreno, Fr. Louis Studer (Provincial), Fr. Webert Merilan, (L-R kneeling) Fr. Jesse Esqueda, Fr. Julio Narváez

Oblates gathered with Archbishop Francisco Moreno of Tijuana. — (L-R standing) Br. Rusty Gardiner, Fr. David Uribe, Fr. Fernando Velazquez, Fr. Webert Merilan, Fr. Jose A Ponce, Fr. Juan Manuel Gaspar, Fr. James Brobst, Fr. Louis Studer (Provincial) , Archbishop Moreno, Fr. Richard Sudlik, Fr. Greg Gallagher, Fr. Emmanuel Mulenga, Fr. Francisco Gomez, Fr. James Chambers, Fr. David Muñoz, Fr. Daniel Ziegler Fr. Art Flores, ((L-R kneeling) Fr. Jesse Esqueda, Fr. Julio Narváez, Fr. Lucio Castillo, Br. Jason Rossignol



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