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Engaged Eco-Elders at The Sarah Community June 5th, 2024

Contributed by Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND, Director, Lavista Ecological Learning Center

In September 2023, I represented La Vista Ecological Learning Center at The Sarah Community, a retirement residence in Bridgeton, Missouri. Leadership listened to residents desiring to become environmentally active, and so I was invited to share some of the activities of La Vista and how these might be carried out at their facility.

This residence is the home of several Congregations of “retired” religious women. With a little encouragement, they organized themselves into three groups and started meeting regularly. They established a recycling program, prayer opportunities, and educational programs. In May, just eight months later, I revisited them and learned of their accomplishments which are amazing. I am sharing the outstanding work of the education group which impacted the entire facility.

These five sisters from four different Congregations showed monthly films for the entire house, and often up to 40 people participated. They shared with the Activities Director that they preferred educational documentaries over entertainment videos, and they gave her well-researched suggestions. They followed each film with discussion and plans for action. Here is a sampling of their offerings.

After viewing the Eating Our Way to Extinction about plastics in our food, and Plastic People about the threat of microplastics on human health, they met with representatives from Food Service. They shared an infographic from the American Heart Association on plant-based protein sources, asking that these options be offered in the dining room, saying that they also prefer roasted food to “cremated “! They reported that they have seen more of these options since then on the menu. They also discouraged use of styrofoam and other plastics in the dining room. Food Service has also begun to listen to these requests.

The group’s next goal is to meet with representatives from Republic, the waste disposal company, to request a way to recycle the abundant cardboard that they see being used at their facility. There is no grass growing under the feet of these engaged eco-elders.

Reflecting on the accomplishments of this team, one Sister commented, “This has been a fantastic contribution to the entire residence, changing our bodies and our souls!” Amen, Sisters!!!


Happy 2024 Earth Day! April 22nd, 2024

By Fr. Jack Lau, OMI, Sacred Heart Church Oakland GreenTeam
As the parishioners of @SacredHeart Oakland and Pax Christi North California prepared to go out into the Longfellow Neighborhood in North Oakland, we gathered for an interfaith prayer in front of the Hiroshima Peace Garden @ Sacred Heart. This garden is an oasis of peace for the wider community.
We collected over 300 gallons of trash, not including tires and larger items that were dumped in our neighborhood.

UN Actions on Climate Change: Fr. Iyo Danquin, OMI Reports March 20th, 2024

Reports By Fr. Iyo Danquin, OMI, Nairobi, Kenya

Civil Society Unites to Address Triple Planetary Crisis

During UNEA6’s second day on February 27th, a pivotal event titled “Civil Society Unites to Address Triple Planetary Crisis” convened at UNEP headquarters. Stakeholders recognized the urgent need to combat biodiversity loss, pollution, and climate change. Panelists, representing both Brooke and World Animal Protection, emphasized innovative solutions, urging collective action.


United Nations Environment Assembly-6 (UNEA-6) Echo Report


The sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) convened from February 26 to March 1, 2024, at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. The session’s main theme was “Effective, Inclusive, and Sustainable Multilateral Actions to tackle the triple planetary crisis Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss, Pollution, and Waste.


Apostolic Nuncio to Bangladesh Visits Oblate Ministries in Sylhet February 28th, 2024

From Fr. Séamus P. Finn, OMI, Director of OMIUSA JPIC and OIP
(Originally Published at OMIUSA.ORG)

As you are aware, We have worked closely with Oblates  in Bangladesh for a number of years  and particularly in the Diocese of Sylhet, where Bejoy D’Cruze, OMI, was the founding Bishop, before he moved on to his present assignment as Archbishop of Dhaka.

The Oblates continue to have the number of ministries in the diocese and this posting yesterday reminded me of the vitality and energy that sustains their mission presence.

This celebration was on the occasion of visit to the diocese by the Apostolic Nuncio, Most Rev Kevin S. Randall, Bangladesh. – Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI

From the original post of Face book:

His Excellency Most Rev. Archbishop Kevin S. Randall, The Apostolic Nuncio to Bangladesh spent the last day in Sylhet, visiting Baluchor, Khadim, Caritas and Bishop House. Thank God and all who spent your energy for his safe and successful pastoral visit to Sylhet Catholic diocese. _ Fr. Soroj Costa, OMI

Oblate Ecological Efforts Praised by Illinois Nature Preserves Commission January 18th, 2024

Thanks to Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI and Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSNDDirector, La Vista Ecological Learning Ctr.

EDITOR‘S NOTE: Fr Séamus Finn, Director of OMIUSA JPIC and OIP, shared an email from Ms. Debbie Newman of the Illinois Dept of Natural Resources praising the Oblate efforts in forest preservation around Godfrey, IL and the work of noted cave explorer and mapper, Fr. Paul Wightman, OMI. Fr. Finn’s enthusiastic introduction is just below, followed by Ms Newman’s email with links to various publications from the Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources.

Originally published at OMIUSA.ORG

Thanks to Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI and Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSNDDirector, La Vista Ecological Learning Ctr.

EDITOR‘S NOTE: Fr Séamus Finn, Director of OMIUSA JPIC and OIP, shared an email from Ms. Debbie Newman, a Natural Areas Preservation Specialist with the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, praising the Oblate efforts in forest preservation around Godfrey, IL and the work of noted cave explorer and mapper, Fr. Paul Wightman, OMI. Fr. Finn’s enthusiastic introduction is just below, followed by Ms Newman’s email with links to various publications from the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission.

Thanks to Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI and Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSNDDirector, La Vista Ecological Learning Ctr.

EDITOR‘S NOTE: Fr Séamus Finn, Director of OMIUSA JPIC and OIP, shared an email from Ms. Debbie Newman of the Illinois Dept of Natural Resources praising the Oblate efforts in forest preservation around Godfrey, IL and the work of noted cave explorer and mapper, Fr. Paul Wightman, OMI. Fr. Finn’s enthusiastic introduction is just below, followed by Ms Newman’s email with links to various publications from the Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources.

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From Fr. Séamus P. Finn, OMI:

What a terrific story that OMI USP through our property in Godfrey has been a part of for nearly 30 years. This story that needs to be told, replicated and celebrated.

Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI

Brings to mind the talk that Pope Francis delivered on Thursday to a group of visiting priests this week.

Pope to secular missionary priests: ‘Be in the world, for the world “

  … Pope Francis began by underlining “the value of secularity in the life and ministry of priests.” “Secularity (secolarità),” he stressed, “is not synonymous with secularism (laicità)…

Secularity, he said, is rather “a dimension of the Church,” having to do with its mission to “serve and bear witness to the Kingdom of God in this world.

Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND

Special thanks to Sr Maxine Pohlman SSND who keeps this relationship alive for all of us.

The email clearly lays out the value of the Missionary Oblates Woods Nature Preserve in the big picture and the work we do there. It brings to mind the foresight and guiding hand of (the late) Fr. Bob Moosbrugger, OMI, who was integral to this project in the beginning. Enjoy!

  • Fr. Séamus P. Finn, OMIDirector, OMIUSA JPIC, OIP

Read the full article @OMIUSA.ORG


From Ms. Debbie S. Newman

Greetings Landowners, Partners and Volunteers! 

Happy New Year to each and every one of you!  I hope you had a good holiday season.  I hope 2024 will be a great year for you.

Working with volunteers in the preserve are: Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND, (far right) and next to her is Natural Area Preservation Specialist, for the Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources, and author of the email below, Debbie S, Newman.

Read the full article @OMIUSA.ORG





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