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Preserving Nature: Ecosystem Restoration in Action at Oblates Woods Nature Preserve March 18th, 2025

(Contributed by Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND, Director La Vista Ecological Learning Center)

In mid March, staff from the Illinois Nature Preserves Commission, HeartLands Conservancy and the Habitat Strike Team joined with several of our volunteers for a prescribed burn on 10 acres of the Oblates Woods Nature Preserve.
This crew of 15 spent a long day overseeing a successful burn, which is a maintenance technique restoring health to an ecosystem dependent on fire.
It reaps many benefits such as: removing old vegetation to promote growth of native trees and wildflowers; improving habitat for threatened and endangered species; recycling nutrients back into the soil; consuming excess fuel, reducing threat of wildfires.

Reflection on February’s Ecological Conversion Field Trip with OMI Novices March 4th, 2025

Contributed by Sr. Maxine Pohlman, SSND, Director, La Vista Ecological Learning Center

(L to R: Christine Ilewski-Huelsmann, Alfred Lungu, Gary Huelsmann, Eliakim Mbenda, Edwin Silwimba, Mike Katona)

Cry of the earth, cry of the poor” is a central theme in Laudato Si and was also the theme for our February field trip. The encyclical reminds us: “We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental.” Our field trip introduced us to two Oblates, Padre Lorenzo Rosebaugh and Father Darrell Rupiper, whose lives expanded in remarkable ways as they responded to both cries.

In the morning we were deeply moved to learn that Padre Lorenzo lived on the streets with the poor of Recife, Brazil, and considered that to be “perhaps the greatest grace of my life.” Lorenzo was known to scavenge street vendor stalls, using a cart to pick up discarded vegetables which he cooked over and open fire to feed the poor. Once, accused of stealing the cart, he was thrown in jail, beaten and starved for days. He wrote, “I am asked what good did it do for me to live on the streets? I answer: witnessing me follow my conscience drew others to seek their own values and make important decisions to serve the less fortunate.”
We visited Christine and Gary Huelsmann who became Lorenzo’s good friends while he lived at the Novitiate and wrote his memoir, To Wisdom Through Failure. Christine is an artist who had asked Lorenzo, “What am I to do for the poor?” He encouraged her to do what she does best, and it would become clear. After Lorenzo was tragically shot to death in 2009, Christine initiated the Faces Not Forgotten project which invites artists to create portraits of young children who have died from gun violence with the goal of giving dignity to the victims by putting a face to the tragedy, providing comfort to their families and raising awareness about gun violence in the United States. These portraits are given to the families of the children depicted and copies are then added to quilts which are displayed around the country to raise awareness of gun violence.
We also heard from Gary Huelsmann who has been a member of the Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Committee for the OMI US Province for over 20 years. He is the CEO of Caritas Family Solutions, a non-profit organization that reaches out to people in crisis, such as abused children, struggling families, pregnant women, low-income seniors, and adults with developmental disabilities, offering them the opportunity to experience a loving environment and a path to self-sufficiency. Both Gary and Christine honor Father Lorenzo’s memory with their work for the marginalized.
In the afternoon our focus shifted to the life of Darrell Rupiper, OMI, who considered himself an ecological missionary toward the end of his life. He passionately conducted parish eco-missions, initiating teams to carry on the work of Earth care in the parish. Father Darrell evolved into his ecological vocation after serving the poor in Brazil and speaking out against the death penalty, racism and nuclear weapons. He wrote about his own unfolding: “In the midst of this enlarged perspective I have been assigned to a new ministry. This involves my inviting others to COME HOME to Earth.” Father Séamus Finn, OMI, joined us by Zoom, sharing stories about his good friend and colleague in caring for our common home. Father Salvador Gonzalez, one of the formators at the Novitiate, also joined us since Father Darrell was his novice master years ago. Father Sal shared precious memories of Father Darrell’s impact on his own life.
All the people we met on this field trip live or have lived their lives in a large way as they listen to both the cries of the earth and of the poor and as the universe unfolds its beauty and creativity through them.

Fr. Valentine Talang, OMI, Engages in Key UN Civil Society Events February 20th, 2025

Fr. Valentine Talang, OMI recently attended multiple civil society events at the United Nations, including:

  • The  3rd Session  of the Preparatory Committee for the upcoming 4th International Conference on Financing for Development, which takes place in Seville, Spain from June 30 to July 3, 2025.
  • The 63rd Session of the Commission for Social Development. Attendees at the 63rd Session of the Commission for Social Development, came together under the Priority Theme Strengthening solidarity, social inclusion, and social cohesion to accelerate the delivery of the commitments of the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development and Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development as well as the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Reflection on January’s Ecological Conversion Field Trip with OMI Novices February 10th, 2025

5 young men standing on snow and in a semi circle 5 young men and female tour guide with lime green laptops

We visited a most unusual building to learn about about another aspect of ecological conversion; from throwaway construction to a life-sustaining built environment. The National Great Rivers Research and Education Center in East Alton, Illinois is LEED Gold certified, so it has demonstrated commitment to sustainable practices; for example, all the materials to build it were sourced within 500 miles and recycled materials were used throughout the construction including 100% recycled material in the rubber floor tiles, in the glass countertops, insulation made from recycled newspaper and paper, and 90% of construction-related waste was recycled.

Our tour guide Erica proved to be a marvelous educator, not only teaching about the building, but also helping us to understand the research and conservation outreach mission of the Center. In the picture above, Erica explained a project she created: kits for classrooms that contain tools and activities to teach youth about our living landscape. So, we learned about yet another aspect of ecological conversion: from treating landscape as static scenery to engaging with it as it changes and supports a range of wildlife, where plants and animals interact, functioning as a thriving ecosystem.

We continued our education on the green roof which grows native plants familiar to us on the bluff top at the Novitiate. In the photo Erica is explaining the roof’s construction which is made up of many layers and is handicap accessible! With its green roof, native landscaping and limestone walls, the building complements the surrounding environment, minimizing visual intrusion on the landscape.

In Laudato Si, Pope Francis encouraged “the construction and repair of buildings aimed at reducing their energy consumption and levels of pollution.” We were impressed with this example of green building as it shows one way to a sustainable future.

Looking Back: OMI JPIC 2024 Year in Review January 31st, 2025

We are taking a look back at some of OMI JPIC’s activities in 2024.
Join us as we reflect on highlights & celebrate the incredible work of our JPIC staff, Oblate community & partners.
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