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Fleeting Responsibility Abounds in 2013 January 30th, 2013

We were greeted in early January with yet another announcement about a settlement between regulators at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the Federal Reserve with 10 major U.S. banks concerning charges of abusive and faulty practices in the home foreclosure process. This time the amount was $8.5 billion. It included relief of varying amounts of money for those who were victimized in the process.

Read more on Huffington Post…

Lenten Rice Bowl and more from NCRLC January 17th, 2013

For the full e-newsletter from the National Catholic Rural Life Conference, click here…

CRS Lenten Rice Bowl webinar, Jan. 17

Each year during Lent, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) promotes their Lenten Rice Bowl campaign to raise funds and educates Catholic youth on international relieve and development work. Part of the education includes an examination of climate impacts on the work of CRS around the globe.

CRS will host a webinar on their Lenten Rice Bowl program Thursday afternoon, January 17. The webinar is designed to provide information on integrating Rice Bowl activities into a parish youth ministry program. Parish directors of religious education, youth ministers, youth ministry teams, catechists and other parish staff and volunteers are encouraged to join in the webinar.


2013 Farm Bill: Will Congress act this year?

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Jubilee USA Meets with White House Staff January 3rd, 2013

On December 20th, the leadership of the Jubilee USA Network met with Gayle Smith, Senior Director at the National Security Council and Special Assistant to President Obama on issues related to debt forgiveness, Vulture funds, tax havens, responsible lending and borrowing, and international financial  institution reform. Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI attended the meeting on behalf of the Oblates, who are members of Jubilee USA. Learn more…


Streetwise Highlights Faith Consistent Investment Work January 3rd, 2013

A series of recent articles in Streetwise focusing on socially responsible investing, look at the work of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), the financial crisis and shadow banking system from the perspective of faith-consistent investors, and “doing well by doing good”. Streetwise, a social service agency in Chicago serving the homeless and at-risk population, combines immediate access to earned income through the sale of their newspaper with an array of social service supports.

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Indigenous Land Rights Asserted in Bangladesh Conference December 19th, 2012

Participants in the December 7th Roundtable on Indigenous Land Rights in Bangladesh

Environment and indigenous rights activists demanded the formation of an Indigenous Peoples Commission led by an acceptable person on indigenous peoples’ right of plain lands to identify and solve problems towards protecting their rights.

This demand was raised at a discussion titled “Life and Livelihood Policy of Indigenous People and Legal Rights: Perspective of Khasi Community” organised by Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA) and Adivasi Poribesh Rokkha Andolon (APRA) at Reporters’ Unity in Dhaka.

An English translation of the report of the conference is available here. (Download PDF)

Ms Flora Bably Talang speaking at the Roundtable on Indigenous Peoples' Land Rights

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