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Mandate for Special Rapporteur on Water and Sanitation Adopted by UN HR Council March 25th, 2011

Winnemem Wintu Chief and Spiritual Leader Caleen Sisk-Franco discusses her village's sewer system with the U.N. Independent Expert Catarina de Albuquerque.

The UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution this morning extending the mandate on the human right to safe water and sanitation for another three years, and changing the powers of the Independent Expert to that of a special rapporteur.

This is good news. The mandate will continue with Catarina de Albuquerque in the position of Special Rapporteur. In this position, she will have enhanced powers: in addition to assisting governments to define the scope and content of the rights, she can engage with governments about complaints from affected individuals, communities, and civil society organizations on issues related to and possible violations of the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation.

Furthermore, the resolution explicitly states the full list of criteria for the human rights to water and sanitation. These are listed below:

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Oblates Attend 2011 World Social Forum March 4th, 2011

Fr. Walter Butor OMI, Ms Patti Radle and Fr. Jose Ponce OMI represented the U.S. Oblate JPIC Committee at the recent World Social Forum (WSF) held in Dakar, Senegal, February 6-11. Oblates from other regions also attended. In a note from Ms Radle described her experience: “It is very emotional and encouraging to be around thousands and thousands of people who are so sincere about making a better world and seeing beyond borders.” The World Social Forum is an annual summit held by non-governmental organizations, civil society members and religious leaders working to create a more sustainable and equitable world.

Mass at the cathedral in Dakar. The Bishop of Senegal gave a blessing and prayers for those attending the World Social Forum.

Oblate JPIC General Service Director Fr. Camille Piché OMI hosted an informal inaugural gathering for Oblate participants to convey expectations and a debriefing session following the forum to share experiences. Oblates participate in the World Social Forum in order to express solidarity with the thousands of participants meeting to both share concerns and explore effective responses to a diversity of issues, from globalization, ecological sustainability and trafficking of women and children, to trade relations of nations, extractives industries and indigenous peoples’ issues. Thanks go to the Oblate Province in Senegal which provided hospitality to the Oblate participants.

Thanks to Patti Radle for the photographs.

"Another World is Possible"

MARCH 9: Begin a Lenten Journey March 1st, 2011

The Marianists have developed a creative Lenten Program featuring 40 days and 40 Least Developed Countries. This program presents a rich opportunity to learn about people living in poverty and the health challenges they face in various countries around the world.

Look for the flags toward the bottom of the page indicating the different languages available on the site. Click on the language of your choice to read the description of this program. Then at the top left of the window, click on the calendar which each day offers a one-page focus on a particular country. If a page is missing, try again at a later date.

For English, go to

For French, go to

For Spanish, go to

NGO Proposal for UN Commission on Social Development February 27th, 2011

At the United Nations, members of Civil Society (CSO) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) work  hard to find better ways of promoting development, especially for those living in poverty. The OMI and Vivat International representatives are deeply involved in this process.

NGOs working at the UN have recently produced a document to tell governments of the world what they think does not work in their approach to development , as well as suggestions for what might promise much better results and help to eliminate extreme poverty in the world.

Read the NGO proposal developed for the 49th Session of the Commission for Social Development…


The Forty-Ninth session of the Commission for Social Development was held from Wednesday, 9, to Friday, 18 February 2011. Many Non-Governmental Organizations (including “OMI” and “VIVAT International”) are part of the Social Development Committee and the Sub-Committee on the Eradication of Poverty. The document referenced above was read by the Chairperson of the Committee at the opening session and has been officially received as a UN Document.

New Campaign to Support Unemployed Workers February 14th, 2011

FAITH ADVOCATES FOR JOBS is a major new interfaith campaign initiated by Interfaith Worker Justice to address the severe suffering being endured by millions of unemployed workers. The campaign is organizing a nationwide network of congregations committed to supporting the unemployed and their families both spiritually and materially.

If your congregation is interested, you can fill out IWJ’s Congregational Commitment Pledge (PDF) and fax it to 773-728-8409. If you join the campaign’s network of congregations, they will help you get started, provide regular information about how your congregation can be most helpful to the unemployed, and share what others in the network are doing.

Many unemployed worker support committees already exist in congregations around the country. If your parish has one of these, sign up with Faith Advocates for Jobs. Together, we can help unemployed workers and their families get through this crisis and begin to look forward to a better day.

Faith Advocates for Jobs Campaign Goals Statement (Download PDF)

Questions or concerns? Email Rev. Paul H. Sherry, Campaign Coordinator, Faith Advocates for Jobs at

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