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Patti Radle Interviewed on Upcoming Trip to the World Social Forum February 4th, 2011

Ms Patti Radle, based in San Antonio, will represent the U.S. Oblate JPIC Committee at the upcoming 2011 World Social Forum (WSF) in Dakar. In a short video interview made by the JPIC staff using Skype, she shares her expectations about the trip. The WSF will run from February 6 to 11.

Watch the  video:

Hans Rosling’s 200 Countries, 200 Years: The Joy of Stats January 28th, 2011

This wonderfully creative four-minute graphic lecture combines enormous quantities of public data with an entertaining style to reveal the story of the world’s past, present and future development. In this video, Hans Rosling, a Swedish medical doctor, academic, statistician and global health activist, explores statistics in an appealing way – using augmented reality animation.

In the ‘The Joy of Stats’ Dr. Rosling tells the story of the world in 200 countries over 200 years using 120,000 numbers – in just four minutes. Plotting life expectancy against income for every country since 1810, Dr. Rosling shows how the world we live in is radically different from the world most of us imagine.

Oblates at the 2011 World Social Forum in Senegal January 26th, 2011

Fr. Walter Butor OMI, Ms Patti Radle and Fr. Jose Ponce OMI will represent the U.S. Oblate JPIC Committee at the upcoming 2011 World Social Forum (WSF) in Dakar, Senegal which will run from February 6 to 11. The three will join other Oblates from around the world who will be attending the Forum.

The World Social Forum is an annual summit held by non-governmental organizations, civil society members and religious leaders who believe that “another world is possible”. Participants meet to coordinate global campaigns and share organizing strategies in panels and workshops through which participants will exchange experiences, best practices and networking action. The World Social Forum meets at the beginning of each year to offer an alternative platform to the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

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U.S. Bishops Outline Legislative ‘Principles and Priorities’ For New Congress January 26th, 2011

The poor and vulnerable must not be neglected in times of difficult choices

Respect for the dignity of all human life an underlying principle

Subsequent letter on health care reform reflects bishops’ principles at work

In a letter to Congress dated January 14th, Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), outlined the “principles and priorities that will guide the public policy efforts” of the Bishops’ Conference during the new legislature.

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8th Day Center E-Newsletter is a Good Resource January 21st, 2011

Stay connected with the 8th Day Center for Justice in Chicago by signing up to receive their  electronic newsletter sent on the “8th Day” of each month. The e-newsletter will provide you with up-to-date information on the work of 8th Day, including actions, events and reflections.

To sign-up to receive the e-newsletter, contact Beth at

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