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UN International Year of Youth August 13th, 2010

International Youth Day was celebrated at United Nations headquarters in New York on August 12th with the global launch event of the International Year of Youth. The event was a celebration of young peoples’ energy, imagination and initiatives and will recognize their crucial contributions to enhancing peace and development.

To guide the celebrations of the International Year of Youth, the United Nations has developed the Framework Approach highlighting three key objectives for the Year, namely: increased commitment and investment in youth, increased youth participation and partnerships, and increased intercultural understanding among youth. Use these objectives to guide your activities related to youth. The complete Framework Approach is available at

Act Now for Responsible Finance and Debt Cancellation July 23rd, 2010

dropthedebtPlease take action to press for responsible lending and desperately needed debt cancellation for poor countries – Click here for our Action Alert.

This Alert also includes an action to Make Mercury Pollution a Thing of the Past.

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Ease Up on Mother Earth – Reuse! July 20th, 2010

reuseReduce, Reuse, Recycle… We’ve all heard this mantra many times, but how often do we really think about it?

Hard economic times have many of us reducing our purchasing, and we are finding that perhaps we don’t need as much as we thought we did. But we also have much that can be re-used – both for the good of the planet and to help out those in need.

How can we encourage Reuse?

Start a re-use project in your church. Maybe you can have collection boxes for winter coats or kids’ clothing that is worth passing on. Books and DVDs are other items that are good to swap. Are there a lot of gardeners in your community? Swap seeds and gardening magazines. The possibilities are endless once you start thinking about it.

If you really want to inspire re-use in your community, organize a swap meet. Set up a few tables and get a group of people to bring their perfectly good items that others can take home for free in exchange for a trade. A variation on the old rummage sale…

More and more people – especially young people – are trading on-line. For the low-down on Craig’s List, Freecycle and other internet trade sites, read the blog entry – “Not Buying It? How to Trade the Stuff You Already Have”.

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A Big Victory for Congo and Extractive Industries Transparency in the US Financial Reform Bill July 16th, 2010

OUKBS-UK-FINANCIAL-REGULATIONOn July 15, the United States Senate voted 60-39 to approve the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. President Obama is expected to sign the measure into law next week. While the text of the financial reform act fills more than 2,300 pages, the many rules and regulations needed to implement it have not yet been written. This work by U.S. regulators is expected to take months, possibly years.

The legislation included an important provision requiring energy and mining companies to disclose how much they pay to foreign countries and the U.S. government for oil, gas, and minerals. The provision, based on the Energy Security through Transparency Act (S. 1700),  will require companies registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to disclose payments to foreign governments for the commercial development of oil, natural gas, and minerals. This disclosure will apply to all companies filing with the SEC, regardless of where they are based, meaning that most of the world’s top extractive industries would be covered by this law.

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News from the UN – July 2010 July 13th, 2010

Six Month Milestones in Haiti

ibc_haiti_serie6_0175It’s been six months since the earthquake devastated Haiti, and here are just a few of the milestones UNICEF is proud to have accomplished:

– 33,000 people reached daily with safe water;
– More than 275,000 children immunized against major diseases;
– Over 150 programs to provide life-saving care for 2,000 malnourished children; and
– 185,000 children reached with basic education materials and school tents.

Despite the significant progress, there is still a long and difficult road ahead for the people of Haiti. UNICEF is committed to its role in the rebuilding and recovery process and will continue doing whatever it takes to help Haiti’s children survive and thrive. Learn more about our next steps in Haiti from latest report at

Youth Assembly, August 4-6, 2010

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