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Ring Your Church Bells Sunday December 13th – Send a Message to Copenhagen! December 3rd, 2009

204741805_5cbedcbcdaInternational climate change talks are set to start in Copenhagen on December 7th, and the Earth’s future is at stake. It’s time for us to do everything we can to ensure that the world community emerges from Copenhagen with a just, binding, science-based climate treaty.

Caritas Internationalis and the World Council of Churches are calling on Christians around the world to ring our church bells on Sunday, December 13th to show solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the globe who already are experiencing the devastating effects of climate change.


Want to organize an action? Download a flyer for distribution in your church this Sunday.

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December Action Alert – Let’s Avoid Another Meltdown! December 3rd, 2009

wallbullTake Action to Protect People and the Planet

    – Support Creation of a Consumer Financial Protection Agency
    – Join the Call for Derivatives Reform
    – Ring Your Church Bells – Send a Message to Copenhagen!

      Learn more and take action – click here for our December Action Alert

      Immigration Reform Can Wait No Longer – Archbishop José Gomez of San Antonio December 1st, 2009

      In September 2009, Archbishop José Gomez of San Antonio, Texas, representing the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, led a delegation of Hispanic Bishops to the United States Congress where they met with House and Senate legislators from both sides of the aisle. The delegation discussed a variety of issues such as health care, immigration and education, but also principles of Catholic social teaching that could help inform the current debates.

      An important topic raised by the Bishops in the meetings with legislators was the need for immigration reform. Writing in the San Antonio Archdiocesan paper, Today’s Catholic, Rev. Jose H. Gomez says “Immigration reform can wait no longer.” The article is also available in Spanish: Por qué una reforma migratoria no puede esperar mas

      Faith Groups Advocate Pro-Poor Agricultural Policies at USTR November 30th, 2009

      bag of riceFourteen representatives of the InterFaith Working Group on Trade and Investment, including Séamus Finn, OMI – Director of the Oblate JPIC Office, called on the US Trade Representative to support measures to aid small farmers in developing countries. In a symbolic gesture, the faith groups delivered more than 100 bags of rice to emphasize the need for trade rules that would enable poor countries to protect their populations from sharp spikes in food prices. The IWG members met with USTR trade negotiators the day before Thanksgiving, within 72 hours of their leaving for a WTO Ministerial meeting in Geneva.

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      Conflict Mineral Trade Act 2009 Introduced in the US House of Representatives November 20th, 2009


      Oblates visit a war refugee camp in DRC

      On November 19, the United States House of Representatives introduced the Conflict Minerals Trade Act of 2009. The bill was introduced by Congressman Jim McDermott (D-Washington), with co-sponsorship from Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) and Frank Wolf (R-Virginia). A coalition of faith based organizations and international nonprofit organizations concerned about conflict stemming from minerals extraction are encouraged by this Congressional action. The bill has also received support from various stakeholders in the electronics industry. To make this bill a reality, though, you need to urge your Congressional Representative to cosponsor the Conflict Minerals Trade Act of 2009 (HR 4128). Find your Representative on the website.

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