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TAKE ACTION: Prevent the derailment of Obama’s economic recovery plan! February 1st, 2009

The Senate will vote on President Obama’s economic recovery bill soon. An organized campaign is trying to stop it. Your call can make a difference!

Our nation needs a strong and fair recovery plan. President Obama’s plan creates jobs and responds to the urgent and basic human needs of the nation’s poor and working families. It needs your support now!

Call your U.S. senators toll-free today.Tell them:

  • To vote for the economic recovery bill without delay.
  • To oppose efforts to include a flawed anti-immigrant measure called “E-Verify.”

Call toll-free* at 1-800-473-6711. Click here for your senators’ name or direct line if toll-free number is busy.

The Senate’s plan does what economists urge. It jumpstarts the economy by increasing food stamp and jobless benefits that people spend quickly. It prevents cuts in crucial state services. It invests in schools and energy efficiency.

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Belem to Davos: “Another World is Possible” January 28th, 2009

The 2009 World Social Forum (WSF) has started in Belem, Brazil where thousands of people have gathered to discuss, develop strategies and act together against exploitative neo-liberalism and globalization. The WSF, which started in 2001, is an open forum for civil society and non governmental organizations to share experiences, network and formulate advocacy alternatives.

The World Social Forum offers an alternative platform to the policies and proposals of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland which starts at the same time (Jan 29 and 30). Here, by invitation only, world political and international business leaders meet to discuss the global economy. The World Economic Forum is organized under the slogan, “Shaping the Post-Crisis World”

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Tell Russell Athletic: Stop Threats of Violence Against Honduran Workers! January 26th, 2009

Russell Athletic, a major supplier of athletic apparel to US colleges and universities, is closing down the second of the only two unionized factories in its supply chain in Honduras. The other unionized factory was shuttered last March.

The closures come after a long struggle by workers to unionize the factories, with support from student and labor activists in the US. Russell is NOT closing any of its non-unionized factories in Honduras. The company is clearly ignoring the code of conduct written into its contracts with universities.

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Cardinal George, OMI writes President Obama, Articulates Priorities of the Catholic Church January 23rd, 2009

Francis Cardinal George, OMI – as President of the US Catholic Conference of Bishops – has written President Obama counseling him not to “…reverse current policies against government-sponsored destruction of unbom human life”. (Download PDF of the letter)

In a second letter focusing on a broader range of issues, Cardinal George outlines the principles and priorities that guide the public policy efforts of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). In it, he outlines an agenda for dialogue and action, and expresses the desire to work together with the new Administration “…to defend human life and dignity and build a nation of greater justice and a world at peace”. The focus is on the needs of the poor, the marginalized and the unborn, and included a call for the renewal of responsible international leadership. (Download PDF of the letter)

Europeans Call for a Moral Economic System January 22nd, 2009

Non Governmental Organizations meeting in Paris issued a declaration on the financial crisis that those working with the poor will find very useful. It is a concise and clear call for engagement in the forthcoming debate on the financial system, its purpose and governance.

Paris Declaration (PDF available in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian)

European leaders have stressed the need for Europe to play a significant role in the G20 Summit scheduled for April in London. There, the group of leading and emerging countries will hammer out ways of reinforcing the architecture of global regulation. Speaking at a conference in Paris on the future of capitalism, the leaders of the EU’s powerhouse member states agreed on the need to make long-term changes to the old financial order, which Sarkozy said had been “perverted” by an “amoral” form of unbridled finance capitalism.

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