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Lenten Resources to Care for Creation February 12th, 2013

Thanks to the Franciscan Action Network for these suggested Lenten materials.
  1. The “Stations of the Cross with Blessed John Paul II: On the path of ecological conversion” is available in both English and Spanish.
  2. Sr. Terri MacKenzie, SHCJ has offered “Spirituality of Soil: A Lenten Journey from Cosmic Dust to Easter Garden,” a five-week program for groups or individuals.

Grounded in Lenten themes, Scripture, and the Universe Story, participants deepen their appreciation of Sister Mother Earth and the gift of soil. Reflections on the role of earth in the Gospels and in our evolution story highlight the importance of mitigating the current threats to Earth.

Each week contains a closing activity and suggestions for Earth-care action. Users can adapt this material in any way that will deepen participants’ consciousness of the sacred interconnection of all life and our part in co-creating a sustainable future.

This program is available online, for free.

3) Please also consider the Lent 4.5 program that uses the traditional Lenten disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to promote caring for God’s creation, embracing gospel justice, and nurturing spiritual fulfillment. The core of the program is a series of handouts or bulletin inserts distributed throughout the weeks of Lent. There is also a school resource book that comes with permission to reprint for all classes, and a discussion course book that is usable any time of the year, not just Lent.

4) Inspired by Pope Benedict XVI’s teaching on Creation and the environment, the Archdiocese of Washington (D.C.) Care for Creation Committee offers you a new “Caring for Creation Calendar” for Lent 2013 in the Year of Faith. The calendar offers practical ways you can grow in your understanding of what it means to be a wise steward of God’s Creation and to deepen your commitment to practices and attitudes which promote care for Creation.

Climate Change: A Priority for the Holy See January 24th, 2013

Since 2009, Pope Benedict XVI has explicitly supported the idea of an international treaty through the United Nations to address climate change.  The Holy Father has offered this support in his 2009 Message to the Climate Change Summit, 2010 Message to the Diplomatic Corps, and his Angelus on November 27, 2011.

For 2013, it appears that United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will make an international agreement a top priority as well.  According to the Associated Press, one of his chief concerns in 2013 will be securing a binding international agreement to address climate change: Climate change is fast happening – much, much faster than one would have expected [. . .] Climate and ecosystems are under growing strain [. . .] I will do my best to mobilise the political will and resources so that the member states can agree to a new legally binding global agreement on climate change.

Climate Change is a priority for the U.S. President as well…

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Solar Roofs in the Oblate Delegation of Pakistan January 24th, 2013

Oblate Philosophate, Lahore roof with solar panels Fr. Basharat EXUPEAR OMI (right) with Oman Ashraf

Several houses in the Oblate Delegation in Pakistan have been blessed with solar energy systems. On three roofs, solar electric panels stand facing the sun, which convert sunlight into electricity. These houses are: Mazenod House (Superior’s residence) Lahore; Oblate Philosophate, Lahore; and Oblate Juniorate, Multan.

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Lenten “Caring for Creation” Calendar January 23rd, 2013

“The environment is God’s gift to everyone, and in our use of it we have a responsibility towards the poor, towards future generations and towards humanity as a whole.” (Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate, n. 48)

The Archdiocese of Washington has developed a Lenten Caring for Creation calendar, a series of spiritual reflections and sacrificial actions everyone can consider during Lent. Please use these in your preparation for Easter, and share this useful resource with others.

Lenten “Caring for Creation” Calendar, Year of Faith 2013 (Download PDF)

Lenten Rice Bowl and more from NCRLC January 17th, 2013

For the full e-newsletter from the National Catholic Rural Life Conference, click here…

CRS Lenten Rice Bowl webinar, Jan. 17

Each year during Lent, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) promotes their Lenten Rice Bowl campaign to raise funds and educates Catholic youth on international relieve and development work. Part of the education includes an examination of climate impacts on the work of CRS around the globe.

CRS will host a webinar on their Lenten Rice Bowl program Thursday afternoon, January 17. The webinar is designed to provide information on integrating Rice Bowl activities into a parish youth ministry program. Parish directors of religious education, youth ministers, youth ministry teams, catechists and other parish staff and volunteers are encouraged to join in the webinar.


2013 Farm Bill: Will Congress act this year?

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