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Peruvian Archbishop Appointed to the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace October 11th, 2012

Archbishop Pedro Barreto Jimeno, SJ., Archbishop of Huancayo, Peru

Pope Benedict XVI last week appointed Monsignor Pedro Barreto Jimeno, SJ., Archbishop of Huancayo and First Vice President of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference, as a new member of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace of the Vatican.

This nomination is added to the responsibility that the Archbishop already performs as President of the Department of Justice and Solidarity of the Latin American Bishop’s Council (CELAM).

Click here to read more »

Focus on Hunger this World Food Day: October 24 October 10th, 2012

October 21: Bread for the World Sunday

Bread for the World Sunday is an opportunity to engage your congregation in God’s work to end hunger. Through education, prayer, and worship, congregations commit themselves to the fight against hunger and poverty in our country and around the world. Visit Bread for the World for free resources, from Sermon starters and prayers to Hunger Facts.

October 24: Food Day

Food Day is a nationwide celebration and a movement toward more healthy, affordable, and sustainable food. The idea is to focus on issues as varied as health and nutrition, hunger, agricultural policy, animal welfare, and farm worker justice.

The ultimate goal of Food Day is to strengthen and unify the food movement in order to improve our nation’s food policies. You can join this push for a stronger, more united food movement by signing up to organize or attend Food Day events in your community.

Use the National Catholic Rural Coalition’s Faith-Based Study Guide on Poverty and Hunger

In addition, the educational and media campaign, “Food MythBusters: The Real Story About What We Eat” is being launched on Food Day, October 24th. Food MythBusters plans to harness social media and the power of word-of-mouth to reach millions and advocate for a more fair, healthy, and sustainable food system. Check out their video debunking the myth that we need industrial agriculture to feed the world.

Thanks to NCRLC for the information in this post. Please visit their website at

Elections 2012 September 24th, 2012

The Justice and Peace Office of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) sent the following election materials for our consideration:

USCCB Faithful Citizenship Guide and resources

Core Themes of Catholic Social Teaching

Catholics Vote for the Common Good Initiative: state by state links and information resources available 

CMSM JPIC urges us to consider which party more consistently upholds the fuller range of Catholic Social Teaching as we seek to promote the Common Good and Reign of God:

They also provided this link to encourage the Republicans, Democrats, and television networks to open the debates to other candidates.



Summer/Fall VIVAT Newsletter Available September 14th, 2012

Learn about what VIVAT International members and staff are doing on international peace and development issues. Read the latest VIVAT on-line newsletter, VIVAT News for July/August/September, 2012.(Download the PDF)

European Churches Call for a Green Economy September 12th, 2012

The Catholic Coalition on Climate Change reports has picked up news reports that changes to tackle climate change were discussed by over 90 participants from Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches from 22 countries at the 9th Assembly of the European Churches Environment Network (ECEN) this week.

Held at Elspeet in the Netherlands, the theme of ‘Eco-Justice, Growth and Hope’ concentrated on the tensions between the desire for conventional economic growth and the increasing ecological threats to Planet Earth . . . Delegates spoke of difficulties and struggles in all their countries; a combination of the effects of climate change, environmental destruction with loss of biodiversity and resources such as water, and the ongoing global economic crisis is challenging people and communities across our whole society. And churches are encouraged to be stronger advocates for creative change in the face of these growing concerns.

The article notes that [s]peakers referred to the need to move away from the current inequitable and unstable economic situation, towards a more just and sustainable economy. The report also notes that ECEN is supported by the Conference of European Churches and the European Catholic Bishops’ Conference, and its work is supported by the World Council of Churches and other partners.

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