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A Visit to Mongu, Zambia November 29th, 2011

Early November, JPIC Office colleague Kate Walsh, who works with the TRI-State Coalition for Responsible Investment (CRI) in New Jersey, visited Oblates working in Zambia. She writes about her reflection on the trip and experience in Zambia:

Two weeks ago, I traveled to Zambia to speak at conference co-sponsored by Catholic Relief Services and CAFOD on Extractives in Southern African. My task was to speak about ICCR’s work and run a session on Shareholder Advocacy. However, I had a few days to explore the region, visit, before the conference began.

That first weekend, I went to Mongu in the Western Region. This is the poorest region of the country. After a 7-hour bus ride from the capital, I arrived and went to visit the Diocese of Mongu Development Centre (DMDC).

Click here to read more »

Pope Benedict Urges Climate Change Agreement November 29th, 2011

Benedict XVI urged international leaders to reach a credible agreement on climate change, keeping in mind the needs of the poor and of future generations.

John Thavis of Catholic News Service reports that the pope made the remarks at his noon blessing at the Vatican Nov. 27, the day before officials from 194 countries were to begin meeting in Durban, South Africa. They will discuss next steps in reducing greenhouse gases and stopping global temperatures from rising.

“I hope that all members of the international community can agree on a responsible, credible and supportive response to this worrisome and complex phenomenon, keeping in mind the needs of the poorest populations and of future generations,” the pope said.

Read more here.

South African Archbishop Calls for Action on Climate Change November 22nd, 2011

Archbishop Buti Tlhagale OMI, (Johannesburg – South Africa) has issued a pastoral letter on behalf of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference on the upcoming United Nations Conference on Climate Change. The conference will be held in Durban from 28 November–9 December 2011.

The Archbishop said, “This global climate crisis poses a great spiritual challenge to all Christians, people of all faiths, and all people of goodwill as it is the consequence of the destruction of God’s creation in which we have all participated in one way or another. It calls for a change of mindset, and a change of lifestyle to reduce our dependence on fossil-fuel energy like coal and oil. We call on all parishes, communities and organizations at local, regional and national levels, as well as individual Catholics:

  • To reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions by using your own properties productively to grow trees that will absorb carbon dioxide;
  • To grow vegetables and crops organically to reduce the use of chemical-based fertilizers;
  • To share the food thus grown with the hungry and malnourished in your midst.”

Read the document (Download PDF)


US bishop links environmental justice with pro-life cause November 17th, 2011

The U.S. bishops’ committee leader on domestic justice said that clean air and environmental stewardship should be serious concerns within the pro-life movement.

“It is hard to imagine a situation that so clearly illustrates this link between the environment and life issues as the impact of mercury and other toxic air pollution on children’s health,” said Bishop Stephen E. Blaire of Stockton, Calif., who heads the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development.

“Children, inside and outside the womb, are uniquely vulnerable to environmental hazards and exposure to toxic pollutants in the environment.”

Read the Catholic News Agency article…


The 8th Day Center in Chicago Supports Occupy Wall Street November 9th, 2011

Photo: From far right: 8th Day staff members Kathleen Desautels, SP, Mary Ellen Madden, Staff for BVMs, Gwen Farry, BVM, Liz Deligio, Staff for FSPAs, Joellen McCarthy, BVM and 8th Day Associate, Barbara Corcoran join other activists at Occupy Chicago this past October. Photo courtesy of Angie Connolly, Sisters of Charity, BVM.

The 8th Day Center announced in their recent newsletter:

“As an organization whose values include cooperation, mutuality, nonviolence, and consensual decision making,

  • we support the right to peaceably assemble;
  • we support the non-hierarchical, organic, democratic, cooperative model of the Occupy Wall Street Movement;
  • we stand with the Occupy Wall Street Movement calling for a fundamental shift in power and resources and a co-created sustainable future for all.”

Learn more about the 8th Day Center and their work for social justice, including their exploration of the issues fueling the Occupy Wall Street movement.

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