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UN Warns Governments to Respect the Rights of all Migrants October 1st, 2010

The Global Migration Group, which consists of twelve UN agencies, the World Bank and the International Organization for Migration, has a issued a warning to all governments to respect the rights of migrants – especially the millions of undocumented immigrants who are particularly vulnerable to abuse.

The inter-agency statement affirms the duties of governments to control border crossings, but stresses that this must be done in accordance with international human rights law. Global Migration Group is an inter-agency group which aims to promote the wider application of international and regional norms and better coordinated approaches regarding international migration.

Read the U.N statement on the Rights of Migrants (Download PDF)

The Oblate JPIC office welcomes this U.N statement protecting the rights of migrants. The issue of migration is experienced by Missionary Oblates serving around the world. At the local level, each Oblate community and region has developed its own initiatives to respond to migrants. Some of the programs are focused on pastoral care, joining interfaith action to support immigrants and advocacy initiatives.

Issues of migrants are closely monitored by the JPIC office and we engage at various levels to promote their rights. The office continues to engage the issue in the US, by supporting congressional actions for comprehensive immigration reform. At the international level, we encourage corporate initiatives to fight human trafficking and improve the rights of migrant labor in corporate supply chains.

Take Action on Poverty, Immigration and Slavery September 16th, 2010

Get involved in Stand Up this weekend. Press for action on the Millennium Development Goals. Find an event in your area.

Ask Congress to Support the DREAM Act! Learn more…

Support Legislation in California to Eradicate Slavery and Human Trafficking from Company Supply Chains

Read our latest Action Alert now.

World Youth Conference in Mexico: August 23-28, 2010 August 23rd, 2010

The World Youth Conference opened today in Mexico City. It is an initiative of the Government of Mexico, in partnership with the United Nations system and civil society organizations designed to bring together government representatives and civil society organizations to identify priorities of action on youth to be addressed in the international development agenda beyond 2015. With five years to go before the deadline set by the international community to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, Mexico, in partnership with the United Nations system, has invited all countries to participate in the World Youth Conference 2010.

For more information please visit:

Congo Catholic Bishops Praise U.S. Law on Conflict Minerals August 17th, 2010

The Congolese bishops have welcomed the passage into law of the Congo Mineral Conflict and Extractive Industries Transparency via amendments to the US Financial Reform Bill. The president of the National Conference of Bishops of Congo, Bishop Nicolas Djomo said during a press conference in Kinshasa that the Catholic Church in the Democratic Republic of Congo is determined to campaign for the newly enacted law on conflict minerals so that it becomes useful in the extractives industries in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Bishop Djomo said that the legislation will help restore peace in the Democratic Republic Congo and that more actions are needed to strengthen good governance, support the legal economy, encourage peace and reconciliation, create a legal framework to revive the judicial system, and encourage citizens to engage in public life.

Bishop Djomo, who also serves as the Bishop for the diocese of Tshumbe in Kasai Oriental Province, thanked the America people and praised the American government, the U.S. Congress, faith based groups and other concerned groups who helped in passing the provisions on conflict minerals.

Conflict minerals, especially in Eastern Congo, provide the source of funding that allows armed militias to continue acts of terror, particularly widespread sexual violence and rape, while causing countless deaths.

Continued Call for AIDS Treatment at 2010 AIDS Conference in Vienna August 5th, 2010

This report comes from the 2010 International AIDS Conference which took place July 19-23 in Vienna, Austria. The Missionary Oblates JPIC offices were represented by Fr Tomáš Vyhnálek OMI, the JPIC coordinator for Europe based in Vienna. He also represented the Oblate JPIC offices in Washington D.C and the General office in Rome.

The 18th international Aids conference in Vienna ended Friday with one strong message: Despite the financial crisis the fight against HIV/AIDS must not decrease.

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