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Urgent! Tell Congress, COSPONSOR the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act (H.R.1554) April 24th, 2013

taxes-ugland-bigWe need your help – Please send a letter to your Representative today to cosponsor the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act (H.R.1554)

This legislation addresses a systemic cause of poverty – the fact that many multinational corporations don’t pay taxes to the developing governments that need the revenue most. Between 2000 and 2008, 6.5 trillion dollars left the developing world completely untaxed. If this money had been taxed modestly, we wouldn’t be facing a global debt crisis and there would be better access to food in the poorest countries. A key way this legislation curbs tax dodging is by requiring country-by-country reporting of corporate payments to governments.

This is good legislation that also has positive impacts for us in the United States, curbs corruption globally and gives us the information we need to start addressing global corporate tax avoidance.

Send a letter to your Representative and urge them to cosponsor the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act (H.R.1554) to help curb this behavior that perpetuates the cycle of poverty around the globe.

Photo: The building is a well-known tax haven called the Ugland House in the Cayman Islands that houses 18,857 registered businesses.

Thanks to Jubilee USA for the information in this Action Alert!


Faiths Calling to Prevent Gun Violence – April 9th! April 7th, 2013

The debate in advance of the Senate vote is about to begin! Call your Senators on April 9th and urge them to act to prevent gun violence. Ensure that the voices of faithful Americans ring throughout the halls of Congress. Demand that we enact universal background checks – and pass other needed gun violence prevention measures such as bans on semi-automatic assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, gun trafficking laws, and improved access to mental health services. Take Action and More information at:


VIVAT International Jan-Feb-Mar 2013 Newsletter March 29th, 2013

Logo VIVAT sfondo

Please find the Jan-Feb-March 2013 online newsletter from VIVAT International here. (Download PDF)

Subjects covered include:

  • Academia and Advocacy
  • Human Rights & Big Business
  • Land-grabbing
  • Anti Human Trafficking
  • Africa Faith & Justice
  • 51st Commission on Social Development
  • Post 2015
  • Experience at VIVAT International


March 22: World Water Day March 21st, 2013

logo_celebrationsWorld Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Designated by the UN, it is an international day to celebrate freshwater.

In 2013, in reflection of the International Year of Water Cooperation, World Water Day is dedicated to the theme of cooperation around water.

In February of 2013, members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) held a Roundtable in New York on the Human Right to Water and Community Engagement. A gathering of companies, community representatives, investors and NGO representatives, the Roundtable was a successful beginning to a process of dialog around corporate impacts on scarce water supplies.

For information on the UN World Water Day events and materials, visit World Water Day 2013

To learn about the ICCR Water Roundtable, click here.

For Lenten faith resources on water, visit the Ecumenical Water Network of the World Council of Churches, which has an online compilation of biblical reflections and resources on water.


Consistent Life: Peace & Life Connections March 15, 2013 March 16th, 2013

We reproduce the Consistent Life “Peace & Life Connections” weekly newsletter on this website. If you are interested in more information, or in subscribing to the e-newsletter directly, please visit Please note that we do not edit the content of this publication.

Template 2013

Another “Good News” Segment:

Drones – the “flying robots that kill children” – are not getting by unnoticed. Senator Rand Paul did a 13-hour speaking filibuster and got attention for it. Paul has connected opposition to both abortion and war before, and this was an occasion on which civil libertarians of both left and right could be pleased. (The American Conservative also has an excellent article against drones from a pro-life perspective.) Let’s hope we see more objections to these appalling targeted killing machines.

Click here to read more »

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