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December 10th: Human Rights Day December 6th, 2011

Celebrate Human Rights Day in your congregation the weekend of December 9-11. The National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT), of which Missionary Oblates JPIC is a member, has prayers, worship and action resources for Human Rights Day available on their website. Visit NRCAT: Human Rights Day and work to prevent torture.

Oblate Priest wins journalism award in the Philippines December 6th, 2011

Fr. Eduardo Vasquez, OMI (Photo credit: UCANews)

Father Eduardo Vasquez, OMI has been recognized by the US Embassy for his video documentary work. He was awarded the Ninoy and Cory Aquino Fellowship for Professional Development for his outstanding work in journalism. President Benigno Aquino presented the award at a ceremony in Makati City.

The US embassy instituted the fellowship in 1988 to commemorate Benigno (Ninoy) Aquino Jr’s accomplishments in journalism and public service, and to honor former president Corazon (Cory) Aquino’s contributions in strengthening the country’s democratic institutions. They were the parents of the current president.

Being recognized as a fellow also involves participation in a US exchange program — the International Visitor Leadership Program — which promotes international understanding through the exchange of information and ideas between people of the US and other countries.

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Donal Dorr on “Justice in the World” December 1st, 2011

Donal Dorr talks here about the importance and current significance of the document “Justice in the World” that was issued by the Synod of bishops forty years ago.

Read his talk (Download PDF)

Pope Benedict Urges Climate Change Agreement November 29th, 2011

Benedict XVI urged international leaders to reach a credible agreement on climate change, keeping in mind the needs of the poor and of future generations.

John Thavis of Catholic News Service reports that the pope made the remarks at his noon blessing at the Vatican Nov. 27, the day before officials from 194 countries were to begin meeting in Durban, South Africa. They will discuss next steps in reducing greenhouse gases and stopping global temperatures from rising.

“I hope that all members of the international community can agree on a responsible, credible and supportive response to this worrisome and complex phenomenon, keeping in mind the needs of the poorest populations and of future generations,” the pope said.

Read more here.

Pray for Peaceful Elections in Congo November 15th, 2011

Praying for Peace in the Congo Elections

On November 28, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) will hold elections. A delegation of Catholic bishops from the Congo Catholic Conference was recently in Washington D.C, to urge the international community to increase the number of international observers monitoring the forthcoming elections and to ensure that minerals and resources of the DRC are not used for illicit purposes. The elections are being vigorously contested, with 11 candidates vying for the presidency, and nearly 19,000 for some 500 parliamentary seats. There are 32 million eligible voters in the country.

Forty-one faith-based, humanitarian and human rights organizations issued a press release in October expressing concern about the high level of political tension and the deteriorating security situation. They have called upon all Congolese and international actors involved to take urgent measures to prevent electoral violence, better protect civilians and ensure credible, free and fair elections. Amongst those who signed onto the press release is Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN) whose members are mostly Catholic Religious or Missionary Institutes working in Africa and Europe. Missionary Oblates maintains membership at the AEFJN. Also, the Missionary Oblates have significant present in the Democratic Republic of Congo where they work in parishes, education and operate development projects.

Read the full press statement (PDF) by NGOs expressing concern on the deteriorating security situation in DRC and call for action.

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