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Indigenous Peoples in Latin America call for an end to destructive mining December 3rd, 2010

Thanks to Earthworks for this information:

Lima, Peru — On Tuesday, Nov 23, Indigenous Peoples from across Latin America released The Lima Declaration, a unified position calling for an end to large-scale surface mining by transnational companies on Indigenous Peoples’ lands. Indigenous representatives from the Andes, the Amazon, and Central America drafted the Declaration after a three-day Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Mining, Climate Change, and Well-being. EARTHWORKS, a US-based organization that works to protect communities and the environment from destructive mining impacts, attended the meeting at the invitation of an Indigenous Peoples’ coordinating group in Latin America.

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Nobel Laureates Urge End of Nuclear Weapons November 17th, 2010

The Dalai Lama and other Nobel Peace Prize laureates from the last four decades gathered last week in Hiroshima to urge the end of nuclear weapons. The Nobel laureates issued an appeal on November 14th for China, the United States, Egypt, Iran, Israel and Indonesia to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) without delay.

Read the story by IDN-InDepth NewsAnalysis…

Mentoring Students in Social Justice Work November 1st, 2010

Fr. Daniel Renaud, omi is interested in developing a program for students to learn about social justice work by engaging with people at the grassroots or through issue advocacy. If you are an Oblate involved in social justice work, he would like to connect with you to discuss the possibility of a student coming to work with you for a period of time.

Father Renaud is Chaplain at St. Paul University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He has recently been named chair of the Canadian Catholic Campus Ministry Association. This association, mandated by the Conference of Canadian Bishops, supports campus ministry in promoting the mission of the Catholic Church.

Fr. Daniel Renaud has been the Chaplain at Saint Paul University since 2004. His email is: The University website is

Fr. Renaud explains his idea in this interview with the Oblate US JPIC Office Watch the video:

(Watch the video on YouTube)

Congo Week of Action: October 17- 23 October 14th, 2010

The Missionary Oblates JPIC office joins millions around the world in commemorating the  Congo Week of Action.

Faith communities, civil society groups in fifty countries and about two hundred universities will mark the week-long set of actions which is designed to raise awareness about the devastating situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo and mobilize support on behalf of the country’s people. It will take place from Sunday October 17 to Saturday October 23. 2010.

Democratic Republic of Congo remains one of the largest and most neglected humanitarian crises today with more than six million deaths since 1998. Millions of people have been displaced and many thousands of women and children have

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International Day for the Eradication of Poverty – October 17th October 12th, 2010

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed. (Luke 4:18-19)

Worship resources for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17th are available in sixteen languages thanks to the Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, USG/UISG Secretariat in Rome.

The English, Spanish and French versions are available from our site for download:

Please visit the Wiki of the Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, USG/UISG Secretariat for additional languages.

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