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NGOs Raise Alarm About Hydroelectric Dam in Guatemala October 15th, 2014

In August of 2013, the community was attacked and two children were killed in retribution for human rights complaints filed by the community.

In August of 2013, the community was attacked and two children were killed in retribution for human rights complaints filed by the community.

The Missionary Oblate JPIC Office has joined other international organizations in a letter of concern to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples about construction of the Santa Rita Hydroelectric Dam in Guatemala. The dam was registered as a project under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) – established under the UN’s Kyoto Protocol – in June 2014. According to the letter, “Numerous violations against the indigenous Q’eqchi´ and Poqomchí communities have been reported prior to and since project approval, most recently in violent incidents from 14 to 16 August 2014 resulting in several injuries and deaths.”

The letter notes that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights’ Rapporteur on indigenous peoples’ rights recognized “that the current licenses for mining and hydroelectric plants were granted without the State having implemented prior, free, and informed consultation with affected indigenous communities, as it is obligated to do under international treaties signed by Guatemala”.

Read the letter…


International Monetary Fund Releases Plans to Stop Predatory Hedge Funds October 6th, 2014

vulturemanThe International Monetary Fund (IMF) released new proposals for preventing predatory hedge funds and hold-out investors from blocking debt restructurings. The paper proposes a series of reforms to debt contracts, including strengthened collective action clauses and a modification of the pari passu clause that hold-out hedge funds used to sue Argentina.

“In the wake of debt restructurings in Argentina and Greece, the IMF is incredibly concerned about vulture funds,” stated Eric LeCompte, the Executive Director of the religious anti-poverty coalition, Jubilee USA Network. “The IMF is advocating a market approach, but we also need a statutory approach. We need to change both the contracts and the laws.”

Click here to read more »

JPIC Report Fall/Winter 2014 Issue Now Available On-Line September 17th, 2014

JPIC-Report-logoThe Fall/Winter 2014 issue of JPIC Report is now available on line as a PDF. It will soon be available in print form.

Please contact Mary O’Herron in the JPIC Office if you want to be added to the mailing list.

You can find all issues of JPIC Report on this website in the Resources section. (Download a PDF of the latest issue)


Pax Christi Rejects “Just War” September 10th, 2014

PopewithDoveOver many centuries, Church leaders and theologians justified the crusades, the inquisition, slavery, torture, capital punishment and war as consistent with the will of God. Only one of them retains that position in official church teaching today. Pax Christi, the peace movement of the Catholic Church believes it is time for the Catholic Church to reject “just war” as inconsistent with the teaching and example of Jesus, and to become a Just Peace Church.

“Violence and war are never the way to peace!” “War is the suicide of humanity because it kills the heart and kills love.” – Pope Francis

For more information: visit the Metro DC website of Pax Christi

The Oblate JPIC Office is a member of Pax Christi USA.



Revel in the Revolution! September 8th, 2014

RevelPlease join the 8th Day Center on Saturday, September 20, as they celebrate their 40th Anniversary! This year’s Revel in the Revolution will feature keynote speaker José López, the Executive Director of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, and the presentation of the 4th Annual Mary Elsbernd Award to Rasmea Odeh of the Arab American Action Network. This 40th birthday will be celebrated with dancing, lunch, raffles, and a silent auction. Please join in the fun!





Saturday, September 20, 2014

2:00 – 5:00pm

Jean Marie Ryan Center

Misericordia Campus

6300 N. Ridge Avenue


Click Here to Register


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