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Latest NEWSBRIEF from the USG-USIG JPIC Commission March 6th, 2014

logoThe Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation USG/UISG Secretariat has issued their Newsbrief for February 2014. The newsletter is available in English. The Spanish version will be forthcoming.

Useful resources are given for Lent and other occasions, including World Water Day, coming up on March 22nd.  (Download PDF)


Archbishop Desmond Tutu Leads High Profile Group to Geneva on Sri Lanka March 6th, 2014

Archbishop Tutu (picture: Wikimedia Commons)

Archbishop Tutu (picture: Wikimedia Commons)

Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa and other human rights campaigners have urged the United Nations Human Rights Council to commit to an independent international investigation in the form of a Commission of Inquiry into human rights violations in Sri Lanka.

The following is the text of their statement:

We, concerned individuals and organisations from around the world, urge the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to use their March 2014 session to pass a resolution that will include a commitment to an Independent International investigation in the form of a Commission of Inquiry. Only this will help to put the country on the path to justice and reconciliation.

Click here to read more »

Mannar Bishop and Over Two Hundred Tamil Catholic Priests and Sisters Call For International Investigation of Sri Lanka Human Rights Abuses March 4th, 2014

“…we are concerned about the post war intensification of systematic efforts to destroy the identity of the Tamil community.”

The bombing of the safe zone, March 4, 2009. Some 40,000 Tamils were killed in the final stages of the war.

The bombing of the safe zone, March 4, 2009. Some 40,000 Tamils were killed in the final stages of the war.

Two hundred and five Tamil Catholic Priests and Sisters from the North and East of Sri Lanka, including the Rt. Rev. Dr. Rayappu Joseph, Bishop of Mannar and many Oblates, have written to the members of the UN Human Rights Council calling for an international investigation into Sri Lanka’s war crimes and human rights violations. The religious have called for the adoption of a strong and action-oriented resolution on Sri Lanka at the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council. That session opened this week in Geneva.


Below is the statement in full:

Click here to read more »

Immigration Reform: Catholic Efforts During Lent February 21st, 2014

jfi_logoThe Justice for Immigrants Campaign  continues to advocate for immigration reform despite obstacles by some members of Congress. The campaign provides prayer materials, background on policy priorities, and reflections about the need for immigration reform this year. There’s also a Facebook page about their efforts.

As part of the campaign, the national Catholic social justice lobby NETWORK has produced informative materials to help faith communities in prayer and action for immigration reform during the upcoming Lent season. Sign-up here to receive these resources in a weekly email series throughout Lent.

 Save the date: The 2014 National Migration Conference will take place in Washington, DC, on July 7-10. This gathering is designed to build the capacity of the Catholic Church and society to advance the life and dignity of the human person in our work with immigrants, migrants, refugees, unaccompanied migrant children, victims of human trafficking, and other vulnerable people on the move.

Thanks to our friends at Catholic Rural Life for this information


Catholic News Service’s Fracking Series Illuminates Controversial Issue February 21st, 2014

Image Source: US EPA

Image Source: US EPA

Catholic News Service reporter, Dennis Sadowski, has written a series of five articles on hydraulic fracking from a faith perspective. Fracking is a complicated issue, yet Sadowski provides a clear overview of this controversial energy source while blending in environmental justice teachings of the Church.

By clicking on a title, you will be taken to the article at the Catholic News Service website:

To frack or not to frack: Debate examines America’s quest for energy

Advances in drilling technology led to fracking’s rapid expansion

Religious community chooses nature over riches of a natural gas lease

Faith motivates Catholics to speak out on gas, oil-drilling practices

Families seek recourse in lawsuits for wells considered a nuisance

Catholic voices raise moral concerns in country’s fracking debates


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