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Congress Urged to Protect Humanitarian Assistance and Poverty-focused Programs November 1st, 2013

sunwater-leadThe US Region of the Missionary Oblates was one of 140 non-governmental and faith-based organizations that urged members of the Congressional Budget Conference Committee to protect international humanitarian assistance and poverty-focused development programs. The groups also urged that the blunt tool of sequestration be replaced with a balanced deficit-reduction plan.

InterAction, a coalition of groups working on international relief and development, was responsible for organizing the letter. An identical letter was sent to all members of the Budget Conference Committee, which is responsible for reconciling the significant differences between the budget bills passed by the House and the Senate.

Letter to Rep. Paul Ryan, House Budget Chair (Download PDF)

Letter to Sen. Patty Murray, Senate Budget Chair (Download PDF)


Isaiah Fund Certified as a Community Development Financial Institution October 31st, 2013

providence 2

Low-income housing in New Orleans built through the Isaiah Fund

The Isaiah Fund recently became a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), an important milestone for the interfaith initiative. The Isaiah Fund is a multi-faith-based permanent disaster response loan fund that provides long-term investment in the revitalization of disaster-torn communities.

The OMI USP is an investor in the Isaiah Fund, which targets rebuilding in low-income communities. The Oblate US Province Sharing Fund has also supported their work.

With CDFI certification, the Fund should be able to grow, attracting new investors, which will enable it to broaden its reach to the poor and marginalized, who suffer most when natural disasters occur.

Certification by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) is an important milestone for the fund and has been many years in the making. It will now make Isaiah eligible to apply for competitive Financial Assistance funds from the CDFI Fund as well as investments and equity from banks, insurance companies, and other investors.

The need for rebuilding after major disasters continues – in New Orleans, more than eight years following Hurricane Katrina, and in New Jersey and New York one year following the destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy. The Isaiah Fund continues its work to deploy loans and mission deposits where they are needed most in these communities.

JPIC Report Fall/Winter 2013 Issue Available October 24th, 2013

JPIC-Report-Fall-2010The Fall/Winter 2013 issue of JPIC Report is now available on line as a PDF. It is also available in print form. Please contact Mary O’Herron in the JPIC Office if you want to be added to the mailing list.

You can find all issues of JPIC Report on this website in the Resources section. (Download a PDF of the latest issue)

San Fernando JPIC Group Active in Social Justice Ministry October 9th, 2013

CA447278-DCA2-4ED7-B302-217FEC316C13The Social Justice Group from Mary Immaculate, Santa Rosa, and San Ferdinand Church participated in a large march for comprehensive immigration reform that was held in Los Angeles over the weekend. Three buses went from San Fernando Valley to Downtown LA.


The group walked together with more that 10,000 people. The march covered about two miles and finished in front of the Los Angeles City Hall.


The Social Justice group has also been offering citizenship classes every Thursday from 6:pm to 9:00pm. More than 40 students ranging from in their 40’s to 70 years old participate. The classes are free.

Thanks to Br Lucio Cruz OMI for this information!


Marching for Immigration Reform in San Antonio October 9th, 2013

WP_20131005_009The immigration march last weekend in San Antonio went well despite a lot of competition from other good causes!! About 300 people turned out to call on Congress to pass a Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill. An interesting march is planned for San Antonio on October 16 and 17. People will walk 30 miles through Rep. Lamar Smith’s district, taking in some of the small rural areas, to try to influence his position on immigration. Other advocacy actions are also being planned.

Thanks to OMI JPIC Committee Member, Patti Radle, for this information!


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