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Summer/Fall VIVAT Newsletter Available September 14th, 2012

Learn about what VIVAT International members and staff are doing on international peace and development issues. Read the latest VIVAT on-line newsletter, VIVAT News for July/August/September, 2012.(Download the PDF)

UN News… August 31st, 2012


  • Provides food to 108 million people in 74 countries
  • Vaccinates 40 per cent of the world’s children, saving 2 million lives a year
  • Assists over 34 million refugees and others fleeing war, famine or persecution
  • Fights climate change and leads a campaign to plant 1 billion trees a year
  • Keeps the peace with 116,000 peacekeepers in 17 operations on 4 continents
  • Fights poverty and helped 300 million rural poor achieve better lives in the last 30 years
  • Monitors, promotes, protects and develops human rights worldwide.

(From the Outreach Division, Department of Information of the United Nations)


Each year the UN Economic and Social Council holds an annual ministerial review, in which various countries share their progress on implementing international goals at a national level, including the Millennium Development Goals. Brazil and Kenya, two countries in which the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and VIVAT International minister, were included this year. Both countries focused on specific initiatives by which they have promoted full employment and productive capacity, essential for achieving poverty eradication, and acknowledged the many difficulties still ahead.

Brazil Annual Ministerial Review Webcast — in Portuguese and English; followed by commentary and challenge from South Africa, Argentina, and Sweden

Kenya Annual Ministerial Review Webcast — in English; followed by commentary and challenge from India, Uganda, and the ILO (International Labor Organization)



International AIDS 2012, July 22 – 27: Turning the Tide Together July 28th, 2012

The following issues were discussed at the International AIDS Conference this week:

Oblates at the AIDS Conference

Faith-Based Organizations Meet To Discuss HIV/AIDS Response at the 2012 International AIDS Conference

On the sidelines of the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), faith-based organizations and leaders came together to discuss their efforts to respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. One faith gathering, titled “The Summit on the Role of the Christian Faith Community in Global Health and HIV/AIDS,” was held at Georgetown University. Other faith based pre-conferences included the International Catholic AIDS conference at American Catholic University and the InterFaith International Conference on AIDS. Members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) – in which the Oblates are active – presented on one of the panels about the long-standing faith-based dialogs with pharmaceutical companies.

France To Launch Financial Transactions Tax To Help Fund Global AIDS Response

“A new tax on financial transactions is set to launch in France in August, and could generate billions of dollars to help fund the global fight against HIV/AIDS,…We want to create additional innovative financing instruments. This is the aim of the tax on financial transactions which my country has decided to implement,” said French President Francois Hollande, speaking in a pre-recorded video message at the plenary session of the International AIDS Conference.




Secretary Clinton Reaffirms the United State Government’s Commitment To an ‘AIDS-Free Generation,’ Pledging More Than $150M For Global Efforts

In a speech delivered at the XIX International AIDS Conference last Monday, United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton underscored the United States commitment to achieving an ‘AIDS-free generation’ and announced more than $150 million in additional funding. The breakdown of the pledge is as follows:

  • $80 million, to be dedicated towards preventing mother-to-child transmission abroad, with the goal of eliminating it by the year 2015;
  • $40 million allotted for voluntary male circumcision in Africa to decrease risk of transmission of the virus;
  • $15 million for research on interventions;
  • $20 million toward bolstering country-led efforts to expand HIV-related services;
  • $2 million funding for civil society groups to reach key populations affected by HIV

Marching with AIDS activists near the White House

Oblates at the Global Village, The Heart of the International AIDS 2012 Conference

The Global Village at the International AIDS Conference has been a platform for communities, activists and practitioners representing diversity and solidarity. The Oblates were represented by JPIC Staff George Ngolwe, summer Fellow Fr. Ashok Stephen OMI (Sri Lanka), who attended several sessions at the global village, and Fr. Joseph Phiri OMI (Zambia) who took time from his busy academic schedule to volunteer at the Conference. See elsewhere on the JPIC website for the photos from the AIDS conference.

The next International AIDS Conference will be held in Melbourne in July 2014

Oblates Attend HIV-AIDS Conference in Washington, DC July 24th, 2012

Oblate JPIC Staff, George Ngolwe and friends at the 2012 Washington DC AIDS Conference


Fr. Ashok Stephen OMI at the 2012 Washington AIDS Conference. Novartis is fighting an 'anti-evergreening' provision of the law in India.


Female AIDS Activists at the Washington DC AIDS Conference


Fr. Ashok Stephen OMI with Advocates for the Robin Hood Tax marching in Washington, DC

Marching with AIDS activists near the White House



2012 International AIDS Conference, Washington, DC July 13th, 2012

The 19th International AIDS Conference will take place in Washington, DC from July 22-27, 2012. AIDS 2012 will bring together leading scientists, pharmaceutical companies, public health professionals, policy-makers and community and youth leaders to review recent scientific developments on AIDS and lessons learnt. The AIDS 2012 conference will provide an opportunity to structure dialogue, share new scientific knowledge and plan actions to end global HIV/AIDS. About 25,000 people are expected to attend the biennial conference convened by the International AIDS Society (IAS).

There are several conferences preceding the International AIDS 2012 conference. Faith communities, which are usually in the front lines in responding to HIV/AIDS, will host several of these. The faith-based conferences include the International Catholic AIDS Conference and the Interfaith AIDS Conference by the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance running from July 20-21. Other AIDS conference-connected activities include the free global village space for meetings, exhibitions and affiliated independent events, which will provide opportunity for professional briefings and networking.

This is the first time the AIDS conference has been in the United States in 22 years. The first International AIDS Conference was held in Atlanta, U.S. in 1985, and then in San Francisco in 1990. The conference was supposed to be held two years later in Boston, but the global research community refused to return to the United States because of its travel ban on HIV positive people. The Obama Administration lifted the ban in 2009.

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