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Oblate JPIC: Shared Commitment to Serve the Poor and Vulnerable July 10th, 2015

0001JiOblate JPIC Office has positive and long-standing partnerships with other like-minded organizations. The U.S. Province supports these partners and collaborates with them to advance social justice ministry.

Since June 2015, Oblate JPIC staff has met in person and via conference calls with some of these organizations to explore more opportunities for collaboration. The meetings have focused on sharing areas of common effort and learning about new initiatives and programs. The expertise of each organization allows us to accomplish more.

All of these partners have active presence where Missionary Oblates are already working, so Oblates are glad to have them as partners.

Some of our partners are:

  • Latin America Working Group (LAWG): As a trusted voice on Latin American issues and related U.S. policy, LAWG focuses on U.S. policies towards Latin America and promotes human rights, justice, peace and sustainable development throughout the region. See more at:
  • Catholic Rural Life (CRL): This group uses the teachings of Jesus Christ to advocate for social, economic, and spiritual development of rural America.   For more:
  • Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA): As a research and advocacy organization, WOLA has a mission to advance human rights and social justice in the Americas. More at
  • Jubilee USA: is a long-time advocate for debt cancellation for the world’s poorest countries. Jubilee USA advocates that money saved by debt cancellation can go to initiatives like making healthcare more accessible and affordable, preventing and treating HIV/AIDs, and protecting women and children who often suffer the most. More at



Oblate JPIC is hiring a full time Communications Coordinator! July 7th, 2015

Job Opening – Communications Coordinator

Terms: Full Time Employee

Experience: Minimum 2-3 years relevant work experience

Location: Washington, DC

Education: Bachelor’s degree

Compensation: Competitive and excellent benefits

Expires: August 14, 2015



The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate – Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Office is seeking a full-time Communications Coordinator. The Office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation coordinates social justice ministry and advocacy efforts in the United States of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate on behalf of the interests of the poor and abandoned in the U.S. and 65 countries where the Oblates are in mission.

Job Overview

The Communications Coordinator assists in developing and implements the organization’s communications and outreach strategy. The communications coordinator will ensure that all Oblates JPIC communications; website, print, social media, event resources reflect and support the Missionary Oblates JPIC strategic mission and goals. Communications Coordinator will report to the JPIC Director and the Associate Director.

 Key Responsibilities

  • Primary website editor and publisher. Maintain and updating the JPIC website weekly with stories related to the mission of the JPIC office. Maintenance of website links and content on the permanent pages. Ensure all content posted follows best practices.
  • Managerial responsibility for the JPIC Report newsletter. The work will include proofing, editing and writing some newsletter content. Coordinate other staff, writers, and printers to meet newsletter-publishing schedules and achieve quality production.
  • Manage Social Media channels. Maintain and update JPIC Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Blog accounts. Post context to social media accounts and make social media calendar as needed in line with best practices to drive organization strategic mission and goals.
  • Represent, as requested the JPIC office at selected meetings of national organizations, which Oblates support.
  • In coordination with the JPIC Director and Associate Director, support the mission on corporate responsibility. Work includes proxy voting and filing corporate resolutions. Provide a timely report about corporate engagements.
  • Report, as requested to the JPIC Director and Associate Director on the communications strategy.
  • As needed edit content for Action Alerts on specific issues.
  • Supports major office annual events and initiatives.
  • Other duties as assigned by the JPIC Director and Associate Director.

 Key Skills and Requirements


  • Bachelor’s degree minimum required.
  • Minimum 2-3 years experience with non-profit organizations or related field.
  • Demonstrated experience in newsletter production.
  • Experience with website content management.
  • Proficient in social media platforms.
  • Excellent writing and strong communications skills.


  • Have some familiarity with Social Teachings of the Catholic Church.
  • Prefer some social justice and advocacy experience.
  • Experience in coordinating diverse outreach programs. Bilingual(English/Spanish) preferred.
  • Ability to work well in a team and independently.
  • Proficient in Microsoft office.

Please send your resume and list of references to

JPIC attends Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context. July 2nd, 2015


Oblate Director Fr. Antonio Ponce OMI participated in the conference on Oblate Charism in Context in San Antonio, Texas where he presented to the global Oblate audience on the topic, “The charism in North America in the context of JPIC.” Also in attendance were other members of the Oblate JPIC committee; Fr. Jim Brobst OMI presented on “Arts in the Oblate call, ministry and evangelization.”

Other topics presented included topics on young Oblate life missionary, immigration, and ministry among indigenous people, ecumenism, inter-religious dialogue, vocations and urban parish ministry.

The three-day conference June 30 – July 3 took place at the same time in all the Regions of the Oblate Congregation, through internet (video Conferencing application) in eight places namely: San Antonio (USA); Mexico City (Mexico); Rome (Italy); Obra (Poland); Kinshasa (D.R. Congo); Johannesburg (South Africa); Colombo (Sri Lanka); and Manila (Philippines).

The primary objectives of the Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context was to listen on opportunities and challenges to the Oblate charism as it is being lived in different contexts, become more aware of the richness of Oblate life, ministry and explore the sense of belonging to one apostolic Oblate body. It was also an occasion to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Oblate founding.

In addition to the richness of the presentations at the confernce, this online global gathering for Oblates reveal how today’s interactive technology can enhance our Oblate ministry, collaboration, animation and governance. At the JPIC office,we have as a priority make use today’s technology and  social media to support  our JPIC ministry outreach.

Learn more information about Congress on the Oblate Charism in Context here.

Zambian Oblate Bishop leads fund initiative to help Church of South Sudan June 30th, 2015


Bishop Evans Chinyemba OMI during the Oblate Radio Liseli 10th anniversary with Royal Majesty King Of Barotseland in Mongu, Zambia

The Catholic Bishop of Mongu in Zambia, Rt Rev. Evans Chinyama Chinyemba OMI mobilized his diocese and raise funds for the people of South Sudan. This is in response to the call from Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) to the help the Church in South Sudan.

Currently, the new independent nation of South Sudan is in civil war between political leaders and the conflict is reported to have deteriorated into ethnic violence,displaced millions and killed over thousands of people. The humanitarian crisis is getting worse for many faith- based organizations to handle.

Mongu diocese encompasses one the most challenged regions in Zambia in terms of infrastructure and economic development. Despite all the challenges in their midst, the spirit and faith of the Catholics in Mongu has demonstrated to be rich, that it crosses the mighty Zambezi River (Zambia) and Nile River (South Sudan) to reach the hearts of men, women and children experiencing conflict in South Sudan.

Congratulating parishes and religious communities in the Mongu diocese on the achievement to raise funds for the Church in South Sudan, Bishop Evans Chinyemba OMI said, “We are neighbors to each other even when we are separated by political boundaries. The diocese of Mongu has demonstrated this neighborliness by responding to the appeal which AMECEA made to various Episcopal Conference to mobilize financial resources for the Church of South Sudan.”

The fund raised by Catholic Diocese of Mongu in Zambia for the Church in South Sudan has since been remitted.





Called to Take Urgent Action:Pope Francis Encyclical “Laudato Si” June 22nd, 2015

On June 18, His Holiness Pope Francis released the long-awaited Encyclical on the Environment;Laudato Si’ On Care for our Common home. Missionary Oblates JPIC applauds the release of this encyclical. The Laudato Si is rooted in key themes of Catholic Social Teaching namely Poor and Vulnerable, Common Good, Integral Ecology and Global Solidarity.

Here is the latest Missionary Oblates reflection resource on Pope Francis’ encyclical:OMI JPIC LAUDATO SI JUNE 2015


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