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Missionary Oblates Welcomes Papal Encyclical – “LAUDATO SI” June 18th, 2015


The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate welcome and join with other Catholics and all people of goodwill   in celebrating the release of the encyclical “Laudato Si- Praised be: On the care of the common home.“Pope Francis encyclical  on the environment is an invitation to reflect on how to live simply and be in solidarity with the poor.Today, His Holiness Pope Francis released the encyclical Laudato Si’ – On The Care of The Common Home.

Below is a Welcome message to the ecology encyclical by Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate as summarized by Fr. Seamus Finn OMI, Chief of Faith Consistent Investment at OIP Investment Trust:

Among virtually all faith groups is a universal call to be in right relationship with the earth, t o act as responsible stewards of the planet, and to preserve its health and resources for future generations. With a missionary presence and faith-based relationships in the world’s most vulnerable communities, faith institutions rec­ognize climate change’s potential to exacerbate the suffering caused by extreme poverty and inequality which are at the root of so many existing social justice issues. The environmental crisis facing our planet transcends politics, economics and science; it is, at bottom, a moral and ethical crisis. In issuing Laudato Si, the Holy Father is reminding us of our duty to restore our right relationship with the earth, which is one of harmony and respect for God’s creation.

In the encyclical, Pope Francis cautioned:

“Climate change is a global problem with serious implications, environmental, social, economic, political and for the      distribution of goods; it represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day. Its worst impact will probably be felt by developing countries in coming decades. Many of the poor live in areas particularly affected by phenomena related to warming, and their means of subsistence are largely dependent on natural reserves and Eco systemic services such as agriculture, fishing and forestry…the climate is a common good, of all and for all.”

To honor the Holy Father’s call to protect creation and the most vulnerable of God’s children, we are invited spend time to read encyclical, reflect, share and bring all into our community and personal prayers and actions.

Encyclical “Laudato Si- Praised be: On the care of the common home: papa_francesco_20150524_enciclica_laudato_si_en



Oblate Community Supported Garden Hosts Feast in the Field at Godfrey Illinois. June 12th, 2015

Recently the Oblate Community Supported Garden at La Vista in Godfrey Illinois hosted the well-attended and successful Feast in the Field. The dinner was also celebration to honor La Vista Oblate Community Supported Garden and its dedication to help feed the local community sustainably. St. Louis’ top culinary and restaurants prepared the dinner menu.


Doing this event is customary for La Vista Community Supported Garden. The goal of Oblate supported garden is to be a source of renewal for human, social and physical health. It also provides healthy, nutritious food and builds a diverse community.

For the Missionary Oblates, this celebration in many ways lives our mandate for integrity of creation. It is also timely that in the coming weeks, we are looking forward to Pope Francis’s Ecology Encyclical ‘Laudato Sii’ (Praised Be). For the faithful community, the Pope’s Ecology Encyclical is an Invitation to Reflect and Respond to its Call to Action.


Oblate JPIC Meet Organizational Partners June 4th, 2015

Oblate JPIC maintains a collaborative relationship with some organizations that support us in the ministry for justice and peace and those who get financial support for programs from the U.S Missionary Oblates.

This week, the JPIC staff has been meeting with partner organizations that are based in Washington DC. Oblates JPIC Director Fr. Ponce and George met with the leadership team from Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) and also with the Latin America Working Group (LAWG).

Both organizations have a long history of strong commitment to human rights and social justice with a deep understanding of U.S foreign policy towards Latin America.

The meetings focused on sharing common areas of collaborations, learn about new initiatives, programs by the partners. It was also a moment to explore opportunities for future support and collaborations on new challenging issues in the JPIC ministry.

These organizations expertise in campaigns, research and advocacy allow us to do far more than we could alone as JPIC office. Their commitment to social justice and integrity of creation is admirable. JPIC is glad to have them as partners.

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Encouraged by Pope Francis’ Work, Rabbis Call for Vigorous Action on Climate Change May 14th, 2015

As of the morning of May 13, 2015, more than 300 rabbis have signed a Rabbinic Letter on the Climate Crisis, calling for vigorous action to prevent worsening climate disruption and to seek eco-social justice. The Rabbis were encouraged by the work of Pope Francis on the issue, in particular, the much anticipated papal encyclical on the environment due out this summer.

The letter is addressed: To the Jewish People, to all Communities of Spirit, and to the World: A Rabbinic Letter on the Climate Crisis

Read the Rabbis’ letter here…


Gary Huelsmann Awarded Liberty Bell Award May 5th, 2015

Gary Huelsmann with his two daughters, Mariah and Chloe

Gary Huelsmann with his two daughters, Mariah and Chloe, at the Awards ceremony.

Congratulations are in order for Gary Huelsmann, long-time friend of the Oblates, and Chair of the OMI USA JPIC Committee. The Madison County Bar Association honored him last week by with their annual Liberty Bell Award. The Liberty Bell Award was established more than 40 years ago to acknowledge outstanding community service. Each group presenting the award is free to establish its own criteria. Many groups present it to a layperson, a man or woman who has promoted better understanding of the rule of law, encouraged greater respect for law and the courts, stimulated a sense of civic responsibility, or contributed to good government in the community. It is often presented to an individual lawyer or judge or to an entire community organization.

Gary is the CEO at Caritas Family Solutions, a faith-inspired social services agency devoted to the care and treatment of individuals and families, accessed through a network of regional offices, that is committed to promoting a just and caring community in the southern Illinois region.

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