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How Do Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and the Right to Life March Fit In? January 17th, 2020

Three Examples of Oblate Ecumenism during the Jan. 18-25, 2020 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

How Do Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and the Right to Life March Fit In?

by Harry Winter, O.M.I.

Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, TX

Oblate School of Theology’s commitment to Christian Unity continues to grow.  On Jan. 24, at 7 pm, the Sankofa Institute (for African American Pastoral Leadership) will lead a Christian Unity Service.  The guest preacher will be Dr. Jerry W. Dailey, from Macedonia Baptist Church, San Antonio, TX.

White Earth, MN

Although there will be no explicit actions for ecumenism in our six parishes of White Earth during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, due to the temporary absence of the Protestant minister who works with the Oblates, there continues to be great ecumenical activity. During last November, the Ojibwa community in Waubun held an autumn feast and fun day.  United Church of Christ Pastor Anna Larson and Fr. John Cox, O.M.I. offered craft activities for the children.

When the Oblate national administration met at White Earth from Sept. 16-19,  2019, they saw that some of our main programs providing assistance (educational, social welfare, drug rehabilitation, employment opportunities and job training) require input from all the Christian Churches on the reservation.  No one Church has the resources alone.  Read the full article at


New Resource: The Decade in Human Rights in Latin America, 2010-2020 January 15th, 2020

OMI JPIC partner Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) has prepared an overview of several significant trends in human rights-related policies in the Americas over the last decade, with a focus on reflecting some of the thematic work of our research and advocacy efforts. The absence of certain issues or countries should not be interpreted as a commentary on its level of importance.

“The past decade saw both setbacks and important advances in the defense of human rights in the Americas. Unparalleled levels of violence and insecurity afflicted regions like Central America. Colombia signed a historic peace agreement, and now faces the challenge of consolidating an inclusive and lasting peace. And from Mexico to Peru to Guatemala, survivors of atrocities and families of victims fought with courage and resilience to build a future based on respect for justice and the rule of law.”

Click here for access to the report.


“Promoting a Church and a World for All” – National Migration Week 2020 January 7th, 2020

Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock

This week the U.S Catholic Church is celebrating National Migration Week, an opportunity for the Church to reflect on the conditions confronting migrants, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) holders, Refugees, migrant children, recipients of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and victims and survivors of Human Trafficking.

The theme for this year’s observance is “Promoting a Church and a World for All,” which reflects the need for Catholics to be inclusive and welcoming to all our brothers and sisters. During this National Migration Week, we are all invited to celebrate the immigrant heritage story of the Church and continue to show solidarity with immigrants and refugees as our brothers and sisters.

National Migration Week ends on January 11th, which happens to be Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Migrants are particularly vulnerable to being taken advantage of by traffickers.

Learn about the connection between migration and trafficking through this education module developed by US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking.


2019 Year in Review: A Year of Engagement, Outreach and Action January 3rd, 2020

Photo courtesy of Glen Carrie, Unsplash

Happy New Year. Here are some 2019 highlights from the OMI JPIC office:

o   January 2019, JPIC started the year on a somber note and in solidarity with OMI Province of the Philippines on the Jolo Cathedral Bombing in January 2019.

o   February 2019 Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI and Fr Rufus Whitley, OMI presented at the Vatican Conference in Rome on Impact Investing: Scaling Investment in Service of Integral Human Development which focused on concrete ways that capital can help the poor around the world.

o   March 2019, JPIC office welcomed and hosted Fr. Ray Cook OMI and Rice University Students

o   April 2019, the OMI JPIC Committee met in New Orleans, Louisiana at the historic St Augustine Catholic Church.

o   May 2019,  JPIC welcomed Br. Joey Methé, OMI for 2019 Summer Intern. And expressed gratitude for the vocation of Fr. Seamus Finn, OMI on 43 Years of Priesthood

June 2019, Missionary Oblates joined Global Investors in Urging G20 Governments to Address Climate Change

o   Effective July 1, 2019, Mrs. Mary O’ Herron and Fr Emmanuel Mulenga OMI appointed to a three-year term on the  JPIC committee.

o   August 2019, launch of the new 360° design for JPIC newsletter:

o   US Provincial Fr Louis Studer, OMI joined national leaders in sign-on letter urging the administration to pass bipartisan budget agreement that lifted spending caps for non-defense programs and raises debt ceiling.

o   In September 2019, to mark World Day of Migrants and Refugees JPIC launched the podcast featuring Fr. Jesse Esqueda OMI speaking on the migrant crisis in Tijuana.

o   October 2019, JPIC social media provided a platform for Oblates updates and happenings at Pan-Amazon Region in Rome and experiences of Oblates at the Amazon Synod such as Fr Roberto Carrasco, OMI 

o   November 2019, Fr Séamus Finn, OMI, was the keynote speaker at Marquette’s first symposium on Socially Responsible Investing where he explored the history of socially responsible investing, drawing on personal stories and work as board chair of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

o   In December 2019Missionary Oblates joined 80 national religious bodies in sending letter the US Senate urging passage of the ILLICIT CASH Act (S.2563) and the Corporate Transparency Act (S.1978)

o   December 2019, another big highlight was a Congressional Hearing on the state of migrant children where JPIC Committee member Patti Radle was among panelists giving powerful testimonies:


Jubilee USA: Keeping our Promises to Finance Development December 20th, 2019

Author: Eric LeCompte, Executive Director, Jubilee USA Network (OMI JPIC Partner)

According to UNCTAD, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) could be achieved with a 5-7 trillion US dollar investment. If we fund the SDGs, the Business and Sustainable Development Commission notes that 12 trillion US dollars of new market opportunities and 380 million new jobs could be created. Yet we know that the developing world is losing a trillion dollars a year, and according to the IMF’s latest report – 15 trillion US dollars is held in tax havens and financial secrecy havens.

UNCTAD notes that debt sustainability in developing countries is “deteriorating fast”, and the IMF states that as of last August, 47 per cent of low-income countries were in debt crisis or facing high debt distress. Human beings are suffering. In too many poor countries, high debts mean people don’t eat, people don’t see doctors and communities are unprepared to deal with the havoc caused by tsunamis, hurricanes, earth quakes and other extreme weather events. Read the full article on Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung’s website.

 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ((FES) is a non-profit German foundation 


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