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The Promise of Laudato Si’ for Integral Ecology June 26th, 2018

Dr. Mary Evelyn Tucker, Senior Lecturer and Research Scholar at Yale University gives the keynote address entitled Our Sacred Earth, Our Common Home at a conference held at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, Illinois .

How Catholics are helping immigrant children separated from their parents June 25th, 2018

Around 20 to 30 new children have been attending Sunday Mass aSt. Eugene de Mazenod Church in Brownsville, Tex. Parishioners pray for the children during the liturgy and then serve them breakfast.

“They want to take care of them and let them know they’re loved,” said the Rev. Kevin Collins, an Oblate and pastor of the parish. The children come from Casa Padre, the nearby shelter for unaccompanied minors.

Read the full article at America Magazine.

URGENT: Ask your U.S. Representative to vote NO! on HR 4760 and HR 6136 June 20th, 2018

(Action alert developed by USCCB Justice for Immigrants) 

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are voting on June 21st to pass H.R. 4760 and H.R. 6136. We join Justice for Immigrants (JFI) and other faith groups in recommending that Representatives vote NO on both bills. 

Both of these bills address DACA eligible youth, but require drastic cuts to family-based immigration and eradicate protections for unaccompanied children and asylum seekers. Here are some of our concerns:

HR 4760

  •   H.R. 4760 does not include a pathway to citizenship for the limited number of DACA recipients eligible for protection.
  •   H.R. 4760 fails to adequately address family separation and will lead to increases in child and family detention.
  •   H.R. 4760 heightens the asylum “credible fear” standard and will undermine existing and critical protections for unaccompanied children.

HR 6136

  •  H.R. 6136 fails to adequately address family separation and will lead to increases in child and family detention.
  •  H.R. 6136 heightens the asylum “credible fear” standard and will undermine existing and critical protections for unaccompanied children.

Visit Justice for Immigrants’ (JFI) website to send this action alert to your U.S. House members.

Here are two new resources and more in depth-backgrounders from JFI on the two bills. Also visit JFI’s DACA/Dreamer Resource page:

H.R. 6136 -One page background of some points of the bill.

H.R. 4760One page background of some points on the bill.



Protect Immigrant Children and Families and Keep Them Together June 20th, 2018


“And who is my neighbor?”
He answered, ‘The one who treated him with mercy.’
Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’
Luke 10: 29; 36-37


The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate – JPIC Ministry expresses solidarity with many religious voices and communities in condemning the separation of children from their parents at the U.S/Mexico border. We support the concerns as expressed by other Catholic voices including United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) that migrant children and families seeking safety must be kept together. A zero tolerance policy of separating children from their parents is not a deterrent. As people of faith, we are called to stand and protect the dignity of poor and abandoned people, especially vulnerable children and parents crossing the border.

“When the stranger in our midst appeals to us, we must not repeat the sins and the errors of the past. We must resolve now to live as nobly and as justly as possible, as we educate new generations not to turn their back on our “neighbors” and everything around us.”

(Pope Francis to Join Session of U.S Congress- September 24, 2015).


Tell Congress to Stop Separating Families & Protect Family Unity. Join U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Justice for Immigrants Campaign action calling for the protection of immigrant children and families seeking safety and shelter from violence by keeping these families together.


God: We pray for all people. We pray for those who leave their countries of origin in search for a better life for their families. Help us to stand strong in our actions of solidarity and prayers. Give courage to elected leaders to do the right thing of enacting laws that protects all immigrant children and their families. You always make something new in each one of us. With your help, let us build a better world for all people. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.

Five Things You Can Do to End Family Separation:


On June 20, the Trump Administration announced an executive order on family separation.  Together with other faith partners, we will provide an update in the coming days on whether this order ends the zero-tolerance policy on migrant families.

2018 World Refugee Day: Take Action & Pray for Refugees June 18th, 2018

The United Nations General Assembly in 2000, designated June 20 as World Refugee Day. According to the 1951 Refugee Convention, a refugee is one who “owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.”

For many years the Catholic Church, through its various agencies has actively raised awareness about the plight of refugees through education and advocacy, and directly provided services for them.

These efforts take place on the international level through organizations like Catholic Relief Services and Jesuit Relief Service, and domestically, through Catholic Charities and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Here are  some ways to become involved:

Download a 2018 World Refugee Day Resource.

Visit Justice for Immigrants’ website to read more about the U.S. Bishops’ campaign to support immigrants and refugees.


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