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Leading Oil and Gas Executives Attend Climate Change Conference Hosted by Vatican June 12th, 2018

On Friday, June 8, leading oil and gas executives attended a climate change conference hosted by the Vatican titled, “Energy Transition and Care for Our Common Home” and held at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

The conference is follow-up to Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home, which was released three years ago on June 18.

Visit this website to read Pope Francis’ address to meeting participants

Visit these links to read more about the conference:


The Guardian 


Pope Francis Announces Synod of Bishops for Pan-Amazon Region June 12th, 2018

The Vatican has announced plans for a Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops of the Pan-Amazon region. The event will take place in October 2019. The theme for the event is “Amazonia: new pathways for the Church and for an integral ecology” and will bring together Vatican officials and prelates and consultants from Latin America’s Pan-Amazon region.

Click here to read the full story 

Visit the Vatican’s website to download the Synod’s preparatory document (available in Italian, French, English, Spanish and Portuguese).

Sr. Ann Diehl, CSJ Named Honorary Oblate of Mary Immaculate June 6th, 2018

Photos courtesy of Janice Cooke

Congratulations to former OMI US provincial secretary and archivist Sr. Ann Diehl, CSJ, for 26 years of service to the Oblates and still counting. On June 4, Sr. Ann received the designation of Honorary Oblate of Mary Immaculate during a Mass and program held at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. The ceremony was officiated by Oblate Superior General Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI, assisted by US Provincial Fr. Louis Studer, OMI.  Following the Mass, a lunch reception was held at the Oblate residence. Sr. Ann has been a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet for 54 years.


Oblate Vocation Stories: Fr. Louis Studer, OMI May 21st, 2018

In honor of the Oblate Year of Vocations, all Oblate Fathers and brothers, and those men in Oblate formation are invited to “Tell Their Vocation Stories. Listen to Fr. Louis Studer, OMI’s vocation story.

St. Eugene de Mazenod: The Whole Story May 21st, 2018

St Eugene de Mazenod: “The Other Side of Struggle”

Republished from OMIUSA.ORG

As we remember St Eugene de Mazenod on the anniversary of his death, May 21, 1861, we’re offering you the opportunity to see his whole story told in three, 15-minute videos produced by the U.S. Province Office of Mission Enrichment and Oblate Associates.  Click the link below to watch the videos in English and Spanish.


Click here for the videos.


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