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Provincial Update from Fr. Louis Studer, OMI: New Plans for Tijuana Mission March 1st, 2018

Provincial Update from Fr. Louis Studer, OMI: New Plans for Tijuana Mission

March 8th is International Women’s Day March 1st, 2018

International Women’s Day 2018

Each year on March 8th the United Nations and other organizations around the world highlight progress made in the fight for women’s equality and women’s political, social and economic contributions. The 2018 theme is, “Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives.” Activism on women’s issues gained momentum this past year, triggered by major news reports of sexual harassment, violence, and discrimination against women and a global demand for change.

This March 8th join activists around the world to press for progress on issues that affect all women’s lives.

Visit UN Women’s webpage to view a timeline of women’s activism, and progress on gender equality.

Sign Pax Christi and the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative’s online “postcard to Pope Francis thanking him for his leadership on peace and nonviolence. 

Watch a new documentary,”Mahila: a Women’s Movement Rising,” scheduled for release on March 8th International Women’s Day.  Find more information on the project at

Upcoming related event:
The sixty-second session of thCommission on the Status of Women will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from March 12th to 23rd, 2018.


On February 26 Urge Congress to Protect Dreamers February 22nd, 2018

Join U.S Catholics on February 26: National Call-In Day to Protect Dreamers 
On Monday, February 26, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is urging Catholics to call Congress and demand they act on behalf of Dreamers. Please join with other Catholics across the country in calling on Senators and Representatives to urge them to give Dreamers protection and a path to citizenship.
There are approximately 1.8 million Dreamers (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals-DACA) living in this country who were brought to the United States as young children and teens. They worship with us in our churches and serve in the military, contribute to the economy, and bring diverse talents to American society.
The DACA program, which previously granted temporary legal status to Dreamers, was revoked by the current administration and will expire on March 5, leaving almost a million Dreamers vulnerable to arrest, deportation and separation from their families.
As Catholics, we are taught to care for the foreigner: “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Mt 25:35). This is our faith tradition as Christians – to care for our neighbor.
Your voice is needed! Take Action on February 26 to Protect Dreamers.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and its Justice for Immigrants Campaign (JFI) are calling all Catholics to contact their U.S. Senators and Representatives to urge them to take action for Dreamers.

  • Please call 855-589-5698 to reach the Capitol switchboard and press 1 to connect to your Senator. Once you are connected to the Senator‘s offices, please ask the person on the phone to deliver this simple message to your legislator: 

“I urge you to support a bipartisan, common-sense, and humane solution for Dreamers. Protect Dreamers from deportation and provide them with a path to citizenship. Reject proposals that undermine family immigration or protections for unaccompanied children. As a Catholic, I know that families are not “chains,” but a blessing to be protected. Act now to protect Dreamers, our immigrant brothers and sisters.”

  • Please call 855-589-5698 a second time to reach the Capitol switchboard again. Press 2 to connect to your Representative. Once you are connected to the Representative’s office, please ask the person on the phone to deliver the same message as above

After completing your call, please go to to learn more about Dreamers and find other ways to voice your support.

2018 Lenten Resources February 13th, 2018

“I urge the members of the Church to take up the Lenten journey with enthusiasm, sustained by almsgiving, fasting and prayer.” Pope Francis, 2018 Lenten Message

Lent 2018 runs from February 14 (Ash Wednesday) and ends on Holy Thursday (March 29). In the Catholic tradition, we are asked to observe the three traditional pillars of Lent during this time: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

OMI JPIC has compiled a few useful resources to support your Lenten practice.


Letter of Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI, Superior General for February 17, 2018 February 5th, 2018

Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG

Click here to see the article en Español

L.J.C. et M.I.

Dear Brother Oblates and all who form part of the Oblate Family,

Among our celebrations of Oblate history, this year is the bicentenary of the first draft of our Rule. Moved by the Spirit to seek companions to start a society whose aim was re-evangelizing the countryside of Provence, the young Eugene very soon felt the need to give this small, young society a code of life, a rule. It would contain norms to help all its members in the twofold objective that he had already outlined in broad terms to the vicars of Aix when, together with his first five companions, he had asked permission to live in community in the old Carmel of Aix, purchased by him for this purpose.

You can also read the full letter at

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