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Conversation With Bishop Valentine Kalumba, OMI, Catholic Diocese of Livingstone in Zambia September 25th, 2019

Bishop Valentine Kalumba, OMI, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Livingstone in Zambia talks about the projects he hopes to fund through a series of parish missions in the U.S.. He also talks about how he became an Oblate, his work as a parish priest in Western Zambia and how his life has changed since becoming a Bishop.

The Most Rev. Valentine Kalumba, OMI, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Livingstone in Zambia, sat down for a wide-ranging discussion of his call to Oblate priesthood, his time as pastor of mission parishes, his surprise at being named Bishop of Livingstone, and the changes the office has made in his work and life style.

A Conversation with Bro. Patrick McGee, OMI August 1st, 2019

Brother Patrick McGee, OMi is Novice Director at the Oblate Novitiate in Godfrey, IL. As one group of Novices prepares to make their First Religious Profession, and a new group prepares to move in, Brother Patrick sat down to reflect on the year just passed, the job of an Oblate Formator, and his view on the future of Oblate Formation.


The 2019 Winter / Spring JPIC Report is Now Available! March 15th, 2019

We are excited to share with you the 2019 Winter/Spring issue of the Missionary Oblates JPIC Report.

JPIC Report is the twice-yearly newsletter of the US Oblates JPIC Office.

Read the latest issue here!

Download a PDF version.




Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI Speaking at the Third Vatican Conference in Rome February 25th, 2019

The Third Vatican Conference on Impact Investing: Scaling Investment in Service of Integral Human Development focused on concrete ways that capital can be put to use to help the poor around the world.


United Nations and the Oblates of Mary Immaculate December 11th, 2018

Fr. Daniel LeBlanc is a Canadian Oblate who was also a missionary to Peru. At present, he is the OMI representative at the United Nations. Here in the video, he explains how and why we are there at the biggest international body in the world.


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