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Bangladesh Collapse: The Workers who Survived July 10th, 2013

Used under Creative Commons license; photo courtesy of rijans on flickr

Used under Creative Commons license; photo courtesy of rijans on flickr

Listen to this compelling NPR audio broadcast on the reality facing survivors of the Bangladesh factory collapse in April at Rana Plaza. Over one thousand people were killed and many more maimed for life, with little compensation.






A New Era for the Bangladesh Garment Industry? July 7th, 2013


Photo credit: Emma L. Herman

A PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly video clearly explains the realities confronting the Bangladesh garment industry. Cheap clothes come at a high cost.

Watch the video…

Armand Matthew, OMI – Requiescat in Pace June 24th, 2013

It is with sadness that we announce the death of a dedicated priest and colleague in the JPIC work: Fr. Armand Matthew, OMI. Fr. Armand passed away on Saturday at the age of 90.

In a statement provided by the University of Texas at Brownsville, where Mathew helped launch the Center for Civic Engagement in 2001, UTB President Juliet V. Garcia said, “Padre dedicated his life to being an advocate for social justice and challenged each of us to join him in the battle against indifference. He was humble and of kind heart; he had unlimited courage and stamina. He loved without limit and condition and taught us to try to live a life that made a difference in the lives of others. He lent us his courage and expected us to do the same for others. He never gave up on a cause he believed in, nor would he let us give up either. Knowing him we have known an angel among us.”

In his memory, we would like to share this video made for his 90th birthday:


NRCAT Urges in Congress: Close Guantanamo! May 10th, 2013

nrcat_logo smA Congressional Briefing, broadcast on C-SPAN, offers important information about the realities at Guantanamo and how the President can move forward with closing the prison there.  We encourage you to watch it.  The briefing is hosted by Rep. Jim Moran and is sponsored by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT), The Constitution Project, and the New America Foundation. The Oblate JPIC Office is a member of NRCAT.

The situation at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center continues to deteriorate.  Eleven years after it first opened, and more than 4 years after President Obama mandated its closure, there are still 166 men being held at Guantanamo – 86 of whom have already been cleared for transfer or release.  Currently, 100 of the detainees, responding to a growing sense of hopelessness and despair over their continued detention, in most cases without charge or trial, are engaged in a prolonged hunger strike.

Click here to read more »

Oblate working in Brazil with Street Children interviewed on NPR May 1st, 2013

Street crime by children in Brazil has been in the headlines, due to a recent spate of violence. Fr. John Drexel, OMI was heard talking earlier today on the NPR program “All Things Considered” about his work with street children in Sao Paolo. The program which he founded some 40 years ago is designed to give street kids a more stable and nurturing environment, but he says things have changed in recent years. Many of the kids coming into the program now have already been exposed to criminal behavior, and the use of crack cocaine on the streets is a real problem. Fr. Drexel says the answer is not for the government to increase the penalties for young offenders, but rather to provide desperately needed housing, healthcare and education.

Listen to the story…


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