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Break the Silence – Congo Week 2011 October 19th, 2011

Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is far from over. Insecurity continues to plague parts of the eastern Congo and horrifying stories of rape and other forms of human rights abuses are still being reported. In order to raise awareness around the world of this situation in Congo, Break the Silence – Congo 2011 is being marked from October 16 to October 22, 2011. The aim of Congo advocacy is to raise awareness about the devastating situation in the Congo and mobilize support on behalf of the people of the Congo.

DRC is a major source for many minerals such as coltan, which is used in electronics like cell phones and laptops. Unfortunately, funding for armed groups in Congo comes from the sale of these minerals often to technology companies in Europe and North America.

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ICCR and IAF Community Organizers Join Forces Against Foreclosures September 16th, 2011

Interfaith Center on Corporate responsibility (ICCR) members, including the Missionary Oblates, have been working with Metro Industrial Areas Foundation affiliates to get Bank of America & Wells Fargo to take action on foreclosure issues in Prince William County, VA and Milwaukee, WI. This collaboration has produced results:

  • In Milwaukee, CommonGround, Metro IAF’s affiliate has organized successfully, forcing banks including Wells Fargo and Bank of America to commit $15.2 million to finance blight removal, a 100+ new Nehemiah homes development, and jobs in the Sherman Park neighborhood hard hit by foreclosure.
  • In Prince William County, VA, Metro IAF’s affiliate, VOICE, organized and directly confronted Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan at the 2011 annual shareholders meeting. This resulted in Bank of America senior leadership requiring reform of loan modification practices that has resulted in 250 backlogged modifications being resolved. Bank executives also committed to negotiate on VOICE’s demands that Bank of America fund housing counselors and reinvest hundreds of millions of dollars to rebuild Prince William County neighborhoods devastated by foreclosures.

VOICE is organizing a 1,000 person public action on Sunday, October 30th with Senator Mark Warner (Senate Banking Committee) and bank officials.

Watch this moving video of an anti-foreclosure rally organized by VOICE in Northern Virginia last April:




DIRTY OIL: THE FILM August 31st, 2011

The first film to tackle the subject, Dirty Oil dramatically explores the battle between industry, government, local communities and environmentalists over the development of the oil sands of Alberta, Canada.

From the heart of the oil sands, the film follows the pipelines to the U.S. Midwest refineries, to witness how refineries, much like its Canadian counterparts, try to increase toxic dumpings into the Great Lakes. These disturbing stories profoundly illustrate the price dirty oil is taking on both sides of the border.

It is the heart-wrenching story of industry and government putting money before the health and security of its people and the environment.

View “Dirty Oil” online on the Babelgum website

From the makers of Downstream: Narrated by Canadian actress and environmentalist Neve Campbell, this much anticipated feature documentary from Academy Award®-Nominated director Leslie Iwerks goes deep behind-the-scenes into the strip-mined world of Northern Alberta, Canada.





Indigenous Peoples Celebrate but not in Bangladesh August 8th, 2011

More than 70 countries are expected to observe the International Day for Indigenous People on August 9 with a focus on “Indigenous designs: celebrating stories and cultures, crafting our own future”.

Yet in Bangladesh, the government refuses to recognize the existence of indigenous peoples, arguing instead that they are simply ethnic minorities. This designation removes the groups from protections and rights afforded by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and ILO Convention 169, both of which Bangladesh has signed.

Sanjeev Drong, a close collaborator of the Oblates in Bangladesh,

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Oblate Work in Brazil August 2nd, 2011

On August 2, the Oblate JPIC staff hosted Fr. Bill Reinhard, OMI who has been working in Brazil for the last 42 years. Fr. Bill briefed the staff about social justice issues and initiatives for the Oblates in Brazil. He also recorded a video interview about his experience of working in Brazil.


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