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CHA Videos Record Benefits of the Affordable Care Act July 15th, 2011

Watch these powerful short videos produced by the Catholic Health Association featuring people whose lives have been improved by the Affordable Care Act. Statistics and studies can tell one story but nothing is quite as powerful as the true, touching accounts given by real families working to stay healthy and contribute to our country.

The series of video stories is available at

They represent part of CHA’s effort to correct misinformation on health reform and show how the law is already assisting individuals and families all over the country. Please take a few moments to view these videos and share the information with others.



Fr. Seamus Finn Explains Faith-Consistent Investing on Local Radio Station July 3rd, 2011


Pictured from left to right: Mr. Warren E Powell, Host-“Let’s Get It On”; Mr. Thomas Kent, Director Vietnam Veterans of America -DC Chp.958; Mr. Gale Thames-Co-Host, “Let’s Get It On”; Rev. Seamus Finn, Director OMI JPIC Ministry Missionary Oblates; Mr. James M. McGee, Pres. NAPFE; Mr. Leonard Pitts, USO Advocate; Mr. Selvon Waldron, LGIO reporter. Seated Mr. Paul Tennassee, LGIO GloLocal Specialist. Mr. Leonard Pitts completed a walking trek, over 500 miles, from Clinton, SC to Washington, DC in support of the USO. Rev. Seamus Finn, was a guest speaking on Corporate Responsibility.


Seamus Finn, OMI appeared on Thursday evening on the National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees (NAPFE) public interest radio program “Let’s Get It On” hosted by Warren Powell and Gale Thames. Fr. Seamus spoke about the work of faith-based investors in promoting corporate social responsibility.

You can listen to the program by going to the NAPFE website and click on the button “Click here to listen now”. The program segment that features the Fr. Seamus starts at minute 11 and runs for about ten minutes.

This program features information on Postal, Federal Employees, and Veterans. Subjects are Health tips, Labor Relations, Global Affairs, Latest Developments, and any others topics of interest. Each week there are special guests and informational professionals.


Sharif Jamil, Bangladeshi Environmentalist: Video Interview June 30th, 2011

“Saving the Indigenous people’s environment in Bangladesh” is a story which highlights the collaborative work of the Missionary Oblates in Bangladesh with one of the country’s environmental leaders in responding to the efforts of indigenous peoples in Bangladesh to preserve their traditional lifestyle and culture.

Sharif Jamil is a Bangladeshi environmental activist who works closely with the Oblate JPIC Coordinator in Bangladesh, Fr. Joseph Gomes, OMI. Sharif is National Coordinator of APRA (Adibasi Poribesh Roskhya Andolon or Save Indigenous Environment Movement), Joint Secretary of BAPA (Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon or Bangladesh Environment Movement), and the Buriganga Riverkeeper. BAPA is the largest national environmental movement in Bangladesh.

Sharif, Fr. Joseph and others have been working with the Garo and Khasi communities to prevent illegal logging in their forests, on which they depend for their survival.

Virtual Tour of the Community Supported Garden at LaVista June 17th, 2011

Watch this virtual field trip to the Oblate-sponsored Community Supported Gardens at LaVista, near Alton Illinois, located on the bluffs of the Mississippi River. LaVista is a CSA/organic farm, offering weekly fresh vegetable shares. The video was created by Green Spiral Tours.

Learn more at LaVista CSA

For the Oblate-sponsored LaVista Ecological Learning Center, go to


Oblate JPIC Work in India June 2nd, 2011

This OMI JPIC video features the Indian Oblate Provincial, Fr. Francis Nallappan, OMI, who describes the JPIC work done by Oblates in India.

Fr. Francis was hosted by the JPIC office in Washington D.C, who connected him with the U.S. Bishops Conference and Catholic Relief Services staff.

For more videos click the YouTube icon on our home page.



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