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Earthquake in Chile March 3rd, 2010

earthquakeOscar Gonzales OMI in Chile writes of the destruction in the country from the recent earthquake. He reports that the Oblates have suffered no major harm, except perhaps some damage to the Provincial House. They are working hard to help those who have been affected, especially the impoverished families with whom they work.

Read the message from an Oblate in Chile…

This information is also available in Spanish.

Blood Diamonds & Congo Beat January 23rd, 2009

Fr. Camille Piche, OMI – International JPIC Coordinator for the Oblates – recently returned from several weeks in DR Congo. Fr. Camille saw the conflict over Congo’s vast mineral wealth up close in a visit to Goma in the war-torn east. He reports on the conflict and reflects on the role of the church. Churches provide both basic services and vital moral support to the people. (Download PDF of Fr. Piche’s report)

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