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Take Action to Oppose Senate Version of Better Care Reconciliation Act July 6th, 2017


The Senate has postponed its vote on the health care bill, the 2017 Better Care Reconciliation Act— but negotiations continue, and the bill could soon come to the floor. Please contact your Senators and urge them to vote against the bill as it stands and make changes in favor of the poor and vulnerable. This legislation takes funding for healthcare coverage from our most vulnerable individuals and families and uses it for tax cuts for some of our most wealthy citizens.

The US Bishops have expressed deep concern and are asking for changes to the bill before Congress votes. Visit USCCB’s action center to send a pre-written alert to your Senators or write your own. Ask them to act with compassion and draft a better health care bill.

Visit USCCB’s Action Center to contact your Senator:

Read a Catholic Health Association article about the healthcare bill.

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