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Help Save Healthcare! June 22nd, 2017

(Action alert courtesy of Network Lobby for Social Justice)

We Need You To Protect Medicaid
Call 1-888-738-3058 Now!

Senate Republicans have finally released their healthcare bill to the public, and it confirms what we already knew: this cruel bill would cause massive harm to our families and must be rejected.

Senate leadership is rushing the bill (which they are now calling the Better Care Reconciliation Act) to a vote by June 30 and get it one step closer to President Trump’s desk. To be clear: this is the American Health Care Act (AHCA) but worse. Today, and the next few days, are our last best chance to stop this immoral bill.

We need you to call your Senators at 1-888-738-3058 NOW to oppose the GOP health plan and protect Medicaid.

Call twice to reach both Senators.

After the House passed the AHCA in May, you told your Senators that the AHCA was beyond repair, and many of them promised to craft a better bill. Instead, they made the cruel cuts to Medicaid even deeper, kept most of the harmful aspects of the House bill and changed the name. This bill endangers over 70 million children, disabled people, seniors in nursing homes, and hardworking individuals and families who rely on Medicaid for healthcare.

Lives are on the line, and your calls can make the difference. We need to let Senators (in Republican and Democratic offices!) know that people of faith support healthcare and are against this bill.

Call your Senators at 1-888-738-3058 NOW.
Call twice to reach both Senators…and keep calling until we stop this bill! 

When you call, here’s what you might say:

“Hi, my name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY/TOWN]. As a person of faith, I’m calling to oppose the Better Care Reconciliation Act. I oppose any efforts to cut or cap Medicaid, and no one should lose coverage as a result of any healthcare replacement. Please protect the human dignity of the millions of Americans who would lose coverage and oppose the Better Care Reconciliation Act.”*

*Also add your personal story! 

Millions of lives are on the line. Please call your Senators (call twice!) at 1-888-738-3058 to stop this bill.

Then, when you’re done, forward this email to all your friends so they can make their calls as well. If you know anyone in Alaska, Arizona, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, or West Virginia forward this email to them — it is ESPECIALLY important that they make their calls!

Thanks for your support!

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