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Mary Immaculate Environmental Activists Press On September 29th, 2011

Environmental justice advocates in the Oblates parish of Mary Immaculate in Pacoima, CA are working on materials to educate people about how the toxics being released into the air from a local asphalt plant affect their health. They are asking people to call the state regulator – South Coast Air Quality Management – with a complaint whenever they smell the bad odor associated with hot asphalt. A total of at least eight calls are required to trigger a response from the office.

Notice to the Pacoima community: Please ask and write down the person you spoke with at the South Coast Air Quality Management office and get their employee number. If you are not able to call right when you smell something, write down the time or try to remember the approximate time and report it as soon as possible. If you smell this everyday, please call everyday once a day. The number is 800-288-7664. Your call can make a difference! We thank the people that have already called, please keep calling whenever you get the smell.


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