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Oblates and Khasi People Host US Embassy Staff in Northeast Bangladesh March 11th, 2012

Forrest Graham, Political Officer with the US Embassy in Bangladesh visited the Khasi people in the northeast in late February at the invitation of the Oblates. Fr. Joseph Gomes, OMI, Fr. Valentine Talang, OMI, and local Khasis hosted Mr. Graham in visiting the villages near Sylhet in northeast Bangladesh to learn about the  culture, language and lifestyle of the indigenous peoples living there, and the challenges facing them.

Khasi Villagers with Forrest Graham and Fr. Joseph Gomes, OMI

Flora Talang, Fr. Gomes, OMI, Forrest Graham and a Khasi friend in Muriocherra

Gathering with Khasis in Muriocherra

Forrest Graham with Khasi Elders in Muriocherra

Forrest Graham in Muroicherra Punjee

Bangladeshi Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Environment a Great Success January 27th, 2012

Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA), Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN) and Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) sponsored a successful major conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Environment in Sylhet, Bangladesh January 12-14, 2012. Amidst cultural exhibitions and art displays, hundreds of participants attended workshops on environmental, social and economic issues affecting the indigenous peoples and the tea plantation workers of the Sylhet region in Northeast Bangladesh.

BAPA works closely with the Adivasi and indigenous efforts to protect their land and livelihood. The conference emphasized the importance of the need for enforcement of their rightful ownership of land and of access the courts to defend their rights and limit harassment. In light of government statements in the past year that have failed to recognize the presence of indigenous peoples in Bangladesh, the conference was also a bold statement to political leaders and government authorities about the reality of indigenous peoples in Bangladesh, the dignity of their culture and traditions, and their rightful ownership of land.

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Bejoy Nicephorus D’Cruze newly installed as Oblate Bishop of Sylhet October 3rd, 2011

Oblate Bishop Bejoy D’Cruze was installed on September 30, 2011 as Bishop of the newly formed Diocese of Sylhet. This is the country’s 7th diocese, which was created on July 8th.

The new diocese has seven parishes and 11 mission centers with about 17,000 mostly tribal Catholics, served by 21 priests and 33 Religious. Bishop D’Cruze had served ably as Bishop of Khulna before his appointment to the new diocese.

Sylhet has been a locus of JPIC work in Bangladesh, with Oblate support for efforts against illegal logging and in support of land and other rights of the indigenous Khasis and Garo peoples.

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Indigenous Peoples Celebrate but not in Bangladesh August 8th, 2011

More than 70 countries are expected to observe the International Day for Indigenous People on August 9 with a focus on “Indigenous designs: celebrating stories and cultures, crafting our own future”.

Yet in Bangladesh, the government refuses to recognize the existence of indigenous peoples, arguing instead that they are simply ethnic minorities. This designation removes the groups from protections and rights afforded by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and ILO Convention 169, both of which Bangladesh has signed.

Sanjeev Drong, a close collaborator of the Oblates in Bangladesh,

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Sharif Jamil, Bangladeshi Environmentalist: Video Interview June 30th, 2011

“Saving the Indigenous people’s environment in Bangladesh” is a story which highlights the collaborative work of the Missionary Oblates in Bangladesh with one of the country’s environmental leaders in responding to the efforts of indigenous peoples in Bangladesh to preserve their traditional lifestyle and culture.

Sharif Jamil is a Bangladeshi environmental activist who works closely with the Oblate JPIC Coordinator in Bangladesh, Fr. Joseph Gomes, OMI. Sharif is National Coordinator of APRA (Adibasi Poribesh Roskhya Andolon or Save Indigenous Environment Movement), Joint Secretary of BAPA (Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon or Bangladesh Environment Movement), and the Buriganga Riverkeeper. BAPA is the largest national environmental movement in Bangladesh.

Sharif, Fr. Joseph and others have been working with the Garo and Khasi communities to prevent illegal logging in their forests, on which they depend for their survival.

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