News Archives » civil society
Fr. Valentine Talang, OMI, Engages in Key UN Civil Society Events February 20th, 2025
Fr. Valentine Talang, OMI recently attended multiple civil society events at the United Nations, including:
- The 3rd Session of the Preparatory Committee for the upcoming 4th International Conference on Financing for Development, which takes place in Seville, Spain from June 30 to July 3, 2025.
- Visit the conference website:
- Visit the conference website:
- The 63rd Session of the Commission for Social Development. Attendees at the 63rd Session of the Commission for Social Development, came together under the Priority Theme Strengthening solidarity, social inclusion, and social cohesion to accelerate the delivery of the commitments of the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development and Programme of Action of the World Summit for Social Development as well as the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
- Visit the conference website:
OMI JPIC Among Civil Society Organizations Urging the Administration to Not Repeat Mistakes of the Past in Central America March 29th, 2021
As the State Department is developing a “root cause strategy” addressing the reasons why so many children, women, and men are fleeing the northern countries of Central America, US-based and international faith, humanitarian, immigrant-led, human rights, environmental, and grassroots organizations called on President Biden and Vice President Harris to support and amplify civil society calls in each country for governments to address the structural and societal causes driving forced migration. These include pervasive corruption, corrosive levels of human rights abuses and impunity, gang and gender-based violence, poverty and inequality, exclusive economic models, and climate change.
The letter opens with expressions of appreciation for the administration’s pledge to ensure a fair, humane, and orderly immigration system that welcomes immigrants and restores access to asylum. Download the letter here in English or Spanish.
Upcoming Webinar: Faith Speaks to UN75 October 15th, 2020
In observance of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, join Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and members of the Committee of Religious NGOs in a webinar, Faith Speaks to UN75, scheduled to take place onWednesday October 21, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.(New York time) and facilitated via Zoom. Discussions will center on the need to continue working together through partnerships and strengthened collaboration among faith-based organizations and civil society in general, national governments, the international community, the private sector and other actors.
Please register by October 20th via this link:
UN@75: A Prayer for the United Nations September 23rd, 2020
The United Nations rose out of the ashes of World War II. The 75th anniversary of the founding of the UN is an occasion for the celebration of its achievements – ‘save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, promote “fundamental human rights”, establish conditions for the respect of “justice and international law” and “promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.”
The anniversary provides us an opportunity to envision a United Nations fit for our times, to better serve a world very different from that of 1945.
Religious working at the UN have prepared a prayer service to mark the 75th anniversary of the UN. We are encouraged to gather with our family and community to pray for a good future for our world.
Join in and download the prayer here.