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National Call-in Day on March 30 to End the Use of Cluster Bombs March 25th, 2009

When nearly 100 nations – including Britain, France, and Germany – gathered in early December to sign a global treaty banning cluster bombs, the U.S. was conspicuously absent. And yet, the U.S. has been the world’s biggest user of these weapons, which always end up killing more civilians than soldiers.

President Obama and Congress can fix U.S. policy. In fact, they have already started. In March, Congress passed a law permanently banning exports of nearly all U.S.-made cluster bombs.

Now we need Congress to act to prevent any further use by U.S. troops.

Call your senators on Monday, March 30 and ask them to co-sponsor the Cluster Munitions Civilian Protection Act, S. 416.

Learn more – click here to our Action Alert on the subject (with thanks to FCNL)

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