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New Resource: The Decade in Human Rights in Latin America, 2010-2020 January 15th, 2020

OMI JPIC partner Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) has prepared an overview of several significant trends in human rights-related policies in the Americas over the last decade, with a focus on reflecting some of the thematic work of our research and advocacy efforts. The absence of certain issues or countries should not be interpreted as a commentary on its level of importance.

“The past decade saw both setbacks and important advances in the defense of human rights in the Americas. Unparalleled levels of violence and insecurity afflicted regions like Central America. Colombia signed a historic peace agreement, and now faces the challenge of consolidating an inclusive and lasting peace. And from Mexico to Peru to Guatemala, survivors of atrocities and families of victims fought with courage and resilience to build a future based on respect for justice and the rule of law.”

Click here for access to the report.


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