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California Passes First-Ever State Bill on Congo Conflict Minerals September 14th, 2011

The State of California has passed SB 861, prohibiting California State contracts with companies that fail to comply with Federal reporting requirements on Congo’s conflict minerals. This is an important step, as it is the first state to pass legislation addressing the link between conflict minerals in consumer electronics products and the ongoing conflict in eastern Congo.

The California Congo Conflict bill gained momentum from the Dodd-Frank Act, Section 1502 on Conflict Minerals passed by the United States Congress in 2010. The bill goes to Governor Jerry Brown for final signature. The Enough Project’s Raise Hope for Congo campaign has launched a petition on calling on Governor Brown to hold a public signing ceremony as a way to amplify awareness of the bill. Please visit Raise Hope for Congo to sign the petition.


Oblate JPIC supports Congo Conflict-free Minerals Initiative June 28th, 2011

A workshop on the extractives industry supply chain on June 20th in northern Virginia pulled together more than 80 participants, including representatives from central African governments, the high-tech industry, mining companies, NGOs, and faith based investors, to discuss responsible mineral sourcing from Africa. Freeport McMoRan, Dell, Microsoft, Advanced Micro Devices, Sony and HP were come of the companies attending. Faith Responsible and Socially Responsible investors included the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), Boston Common Asset Management, Trillium Asset Management and members of the Congo Global Coalition.

The workshop was organized by Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and the Electronic Industry Coalition (EICC). Apart from the overall usefulness of the meeting, it provided an opportunity for JPIC staff to meet with representatives of companies whom we engage in shareholder dialogues on sustainability issues.

The roundtable discussions focused on responsible mineral sourcing from the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring Central Africa countries. Minerals extracted from eastern Congo, mostly the ores that produce tin, tantalum, tungsten – the 3Ts – are essential to the electronics devices we use every day. Unfortunately, some of these minerals have been contributing to violent conflict in Eastern Congo.

The GeSI and EICC workshop was designed to develop a fuller understanding of the issues associated with conflict minerals and the efforts to stop their use in manufacturing. The discussion addressed the Dodd-Frank conflict minerals disclosure law, OECD Due Diligence and the EICC-GeSi conflict free smelter program. Following the workshop, JPIC staff participated in an investors’ meeting with the Security and Exchange Commission staff (SEC) in which the discussion focused on maintaining the protections on sourcing, designed to prevent the use of conflict minerals, written into the Dodd-Frank legislation.

Learn more about the Conflict-free Minerals provisions in the Dodd-Frank legislation

Socially Responsible Investors Submit Guidance for Conflict Minerals Rule March 29th, 2011

The Oblates joined a large group of socially responsible investors in a letter providing specific comments to the SEC on the Conflict Mineral Provision 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Finance Reform Act.

Read the letter…

Conflict Minerals in Our Cell Phones, Laptops March 1st, 2011

According to a UN Panel of Experts and others the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo is being fueled by a multi-million dollar trade in minerals. The armed groups perpetuating this violence deal in five main minerals used in electronic products and found plentifully in eastern Congo – coltan, gold, tin, tungsten and tantalum.

To see where various electronics companies rank in using conflict-free minerals and to send them messages, go to Raise Hope for Congo (English only)

Congo Catholic Bishops Praise U.S. Law on Conflict Minerals August 17th, 2010

The Congolese bishops have welcomed the passage into law of the Congo Mineral Conflict and Extractive Industries Transparency via amendments to the US Financial Reform Bill. The president of the National Conference of Bishops of Congo, Bishop Nicolas Djomo said during a press conference in Kinshasa that the Catholic Church in the Democratic Republic of Congo is determined to campaign for the newly enacted law on conflict minerals so that it becomes useful in the extractives industries in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Bishop Djomo said that the legislation will help restore peace in the Democratic Republic Congo and that more actions are needed to strengthen good governance, support the legal economy, encourage peace and reconciliation, create a legal framework to revive the judicial system, and encourage citizens to engage in public life.

Bishop Djomo, who also serves as the Bishop for the diocese of Tshumbe in Kasai Oriental Province, thanked the America people and praised the American government, the U.S. Congress, faith based groups and other concerned groups who helped in passing the provisions on conflict minerals.

Conflict minerals, especially in Eastern Congo, provide the source of funding that allows armed militias to continue acts of terror, particularly widespread sexual violence and rape, while causing countless deaths.

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