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25 Years of Moving Minds: Consistent Life February 9th, 2012

Network for Peace, Justice and Life to Gather

Consistent Life, formerly the Seamless Garment Network, has worked to move the mind of the community to respect every life: the prisoner on death row, the child in the womb, people threatened by war and poverty. Now we are celebrating our 25th Anniversary and looking to shape the future of the Consistent Life Ethic.

Founded in 1987 at a conference of peace, justice and life groups, Consistent Life is committed to the protection of life which is threatened in today’s world by war, abortion, poverty, racism, capital punishment and euthanasia. We believe that these issues are linked under a ‘consistent ethic of life’. We challenge those working on all or some of these issues to maintain a cooperative spirit of peace, reconciliation and respect in protecting the unprotected.

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Seamless Garment Video Available on You-Tube November 15th, 2010

The Seamless Garment, previously only available on VHS, is now up on You-Tube. The first four interviewees are Eileen Egan, who first coined the phrase “seamless garment”; Juli Loesch Wiley, who founded Prolifers for Survival, precursor group to the Seamless Garment Network (now Consistent Life), journalist Nat Hentoff discussing rights for disabled people, and Hispanic activist Consuelo Beck-Sague. These among many others make the case in the late 1980s.

Watch the videos here…

Consistent Life Pro-Peace/Pro-Life Harmony Pilot Project October 23rd, 2009

dove-of-peace-printpro-life-symbolConsistent Life is trying to promote dialog among pro-life groups with materials to encourage discussion and mutual understanding.

Do you know of groups in the same campus, denomination, or community that define themselves as either pro-peace or pro-life, but might be willing to dialog with each other? Consistent Life’s emphasis on how the issues are connected and on cooperation of violence-opposing groups offers a prime opportunity to change the destructive right/left dynamics of these debates. The organization is offering a PowerPoint presentation designed for joint meetings of such groups to encourage discussion.

Consistent Life says: “Before launching this as a program, complete with a manual with good advice on what experience has shown, we need to have experience to know what experience has shown. Anyone who might like to organize a session with appropriate local peace & life groups to help us develop this program, please contact project coordinator Rachel MacNair directly at or by calling (816)753-2057, Central Time Zone.

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