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Oblate Community Supported Garden Shown at its Best in Local Magazine! August 15th, 2011

The Summer 2011 issue of Home Style Magazine, a publication of The Telegraph in Alton, Illinois, has run a very nice article on the LaVista Community Supported Farm supported by the Oblates. The Editor’s Note, titled “Garden Fresh,” is accompanied by sumptuous photos of the CSA’s bounty.

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Virtual Tour of the Community Supported Garden at LaVista June 17th, 2011

Watch this virtual field trip to the Oblate-sponsored Community Supported Gardens at LaVista, near Alton Illinois, located on the bluffs of the Mississippi River. LaVista is a CSA/organic farm, offering weekly fresh vegetable shares. The video was created by Green Spiral Tours.

Learn more at LaVista CSA

For the Oblate-sponsored LaVista Ecological Learning Center, go to


Oblate Organic Community Supported Garden Lauded in Local Press February 14th, 2011

The Oblate-supported organic garden in Godfrey, Illinois has received a nice write-up in The Telegraph, Alton, Illinois’ local paper. Now in its 9th year, the CSA at Godfrey continues to provide its share owners and a local food bank with bountiful supplies of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. The CSA shareholders and core team are committed to preserving the land, educating people about the health benefits of eating produce grown in a sustainable manner and the ecological benefits of eating locally.

The garden regularly over-produces, ensuring leftover produce to take to local food pantries, which fulfills its other mission – to help feed the poor. La Vista also offers 10 to 12 community outreach shares at a discounted price to low-income members of the community.

Read the article (Download PDF)

Oblate Community Supported Garden Highlighted in Award-Winning Local Newspaper January 8th, 2009

Interest in fresher, healthier foods has made CSA’s (Community Supported Agriculture projects) increasingly popular. The Oblate CSA at La Vista in Godfrey, Illinois was highlighted recently in an informative article on the fast growing movement.

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