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Call on your Senators to support the DREAM Act December 16th, 2010

Last week the House of Representatives passed the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, also known as the DREAM Act. The Senate rescheduled the vote on the Dream Act for this week. The Dream Act would provide a clear legal pathway  for undocumented immigrant youth – who have been raised in the United States and who will pursue higher education or serve in the military-  to become U.S. citizens and live the American dream.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops praised the House of Representatives for passing the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act and urge Senators to pass the Dream Act, so that it can be signed into law by the President as soon as possible. The Catholic Bishops have spoken forcefully in support of the Dream Act and lobbied repeatedly for its passage.

In this last chance effort to pass the DREAM Act, Senators need to hear from you.

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Ask Your Representative to Support the DREAM Act December 3rd, 2010

The vote on the DREAM Act in the House of Representatives originally scheduled for 11 am this morning has been postponed until next Wednesday. The new Congressional Budget Office score of the bill (estimated costs) did not come out until late last night. The Rules Committee requires the CBO estimate before they can pass a rule governing debate on the bill.

There are now several more days to contact target Representatives. Between now and next Wednesday, please continue to call and send messages to your Representatives and ask him/her to vote for the DREAM Act.

Please use Justice for Immigrants DREAM Act action alert to send a message quickly to your federal lawmakers. The action alert is on the JFI homepage at

Ask Congress to Pass the DREAM Act! November 18th, 2010

The United States Congress could be voting on the DREAM Act at any time during the week of November 22.

Take Action Here: Tell your Senator and Representative to pass the Dream Act now.

The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, also called the DREAM Act is bipartisan legislation that would create a path to citizenship for thousands of young undocumented students who were brought to the United States as children and graduated from American high schools. It would give them the opportunity to earn legal status by completing two years of college or military service.

The Majority leadership in the Senate and the House have pledged to bring up the DREAM Act during the lame duck session. Last Tuesday, President Barack Obama reaffirmed to Democratic Members of Congress that he wants the DREAM Act passed in this session. DREAM Act legislation is supported by religious leaders – such as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – along with University presidents and Administrators, military leaders and the business community. According to the recent survey results, seventy percent of Americans support passage of the DREAM Act.

More information about the DREAM Act may be found at:

Ask Congress to Support the DREAM Act! September 14th, 2010

Congress is only back in session for a couple of weeks before the November election. Momentum is strong in Congress to help immigrant youth. They can do this by passing the DREAM Act.

Young people who have lived in the U.S. for most of their lives but who were brought to the US illegally, often as young children, face a difficult future.  These children have grown up in our communities and include honor roll students, star athletes, talented artists, and aspiring environmental scientists, doctors, and entrepreneurs. They face unique barriers to higher education. Unable to work legally in the United States, they often live in fear of deportation. This is a terrible loss both for them and for the larger society.

Bipartisan Support for the DREAM Act

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