News Archives » eco-tips
2021 Eco-living Tips August 6th, 2021
Small changes go a long way in the quest to live more sustainably. You can start with a handful of changes in your everyday life. To help you on this journey, we have created two brochures: Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. and Choosing Earth-Friendly Products. The brochures are packed with manageable tips to act on and guidance for adding environmentally friendly products to your daily life.
Our new brochures are available in English and Spanish and can be downloaded below.
Download the brochures in English & Spanish

Download for printing:
- 2021 Reduce Reuse Recycle (English) – DOWNLOAD
- 2021 Reduce Reuse Recycle (Spanish) – DOWNLOAD
- 2021 Eco -friendly Tips (English) – DOWNLOAD
- 2021 Eco -friendly Tips (Spanish) – DOWNLOAD
Help Protect the Environment! April 12th, 2021

(Photo courtesy of Nareeta Martin, Unsplash)
Reducing consumption, reusing items and recycling whenever possible reduces air and water pollution, keeps landfills from filling up so quickly and saves energy and money for both consumers and governments that have to deal with trash. This is a great way to deal with climate change. Our new brochure offers tips on ways you can reduce, reuse and recycle as individuals and in your communities.
Download the brochure to share online
Download the brochure to print
Go Green Tips from the EPA June 14th, 2013
The US Environmental Protection Agency sends out an E-Newsletter with Green Tips that you might find useful. Here are some ideas from the June Newsletter…Prepare for disaster before it strikes. June is the beginning of hurricane season in the U.S. Individuals, communities, and businesses can plan ahead for safety, shortages, and storm cleanup.
Hot tips for a cool summer! Save energy in summer and fight climate change. Get tips to reduce energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions.
Don’t Fry – Any Day! With the start of the summer season, avoid overexposure to the sun’s harmful “UV” rays. Put on sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer is the most common cancer among young adults aged 15-29.
Landscaping makes WaterSense! Homeowners or businesses can use WaterSense-labeled controllers for landscape watering. Landscaping water controllers with the WaterSense label meet criteria for efficiency and performance.
You can subscribe at
Eco-Tips: Mindfulness about Waste October 20th, 2011
- each person in the United States produces over 3,285 pounds of hazardous waste;
- over 80% of items in landfills can be recycled, but they’re not;
- the United States generates 30 billion foam cups, 220 million tires, and 1.8 billion disposable diapers every year.
Its time to stop. These are some of the things you can start doing today:
- Favor products with a high recycled content, even if they cost a little more.
- Reduce the volume of packaging you buy, reuse what you can, and recycle the rest.
- Tell the clerk “I don’t need a bag”.
- Use your own reusable canvas bag or backpack at the store.
- Buy quality products and keep them for a lifetime.
Something Stinks in San Fernando! September 26th, 2011
Eco-Alert for residents of Pacoima, CA:
All American Asphalt must be held accountable for the odors coming from their facility. We are taking action to make sure that our voices are heard loud and clear: eliminate the smells now!
South Coast Air Quality Management District, the organization in charge of regulating the asphalt plant’s emissions, has given us a number to call and report these odors. 8 calls a day are needed in order for them to take action against All American Asphalt. The number is 800-288-7664. Your call can make a difference!