News Archives » environment
Help Protect the Environment! April 12th, 2021

(Photo courtesy of Nareeta Martin, Unsplash)
Reducing consumption, reusing items and recycling whenever possible reduces air and water pollution, keeps landfills from filling up so quickly and saves energy and money for both consumers and governments that have to deal with trash. This is a great way to deal with climate change. Our new brochure offers tips on ways you can reduce, reuse and recycle as individuals and in your communities.
Download the brochure to share online
Download the brochure to print
Learn about the Environmental Work of Oblates Around the World July 5th, 2017
Learn about the environmental work of Oblates around the world.
Missionary Oblates Oppose U.S. Withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement June 6th, 2017
“Climate change is a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods.”
Pope Francis, Laudato Sí: On Care of our Common Home
Missionary Oblates JPIC is deeply concerned about the impacts of environmental degradation on God’s creation. The decision by the Trump Administration to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, which was ratified by 195 countries including the United States is a disappointment. We join other faith leaders and communities to urge the Administration to reconsider this decision and propose concrete ways to address global climate change and promote environmental stewardship. As people of faith who value the care for creation, we believe that impacts of climate change will directly impact all communities, both in the United States and around the world, especially poor and abandoned people whom Oblates minister to each day. Visit the links below to read more on the issue.
- US Catholic Bishops’ statement on Paris withdrawal
- Catholic Climate Covenant’s statement on Paris withdrawal
- Missionary Oblates JPIC climate change resource
2017 World Environment Day: “Connecting People to Nature” June 1st, 2017
“We are called to be instruments of God our Father, so that our planet might be what he desired when he created it and correspond with his plan for peace, beauty and fullness.”(Laudato Si, 53).
Every June 5th people around the world celebrate World Environment Day to raise awareness about environmental issues. The UN designated this day at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972, with the first observance taking place in 1974 and annually since then.
Today people around the world spend this day engaging in projects to improve their communities, for example neighborhood clean-ups, actions to protect wildlife, replanting trees, etc.
We also celebrate Pentecost a day before World Environment Day, on Sunday, June 4. Given this intersection, we invite you to explore Breath of Love, a very creative and rich new prayer/reflection resource from Sr. Gen Cassani, SSND. It includes a novena of prayers leading up to Pentecost (6/4), as well as quotes and reflections from Laudato Si’ and sacred scripture, plus ideas for commemorating World Environment Day (6/5).
As Sr. Gen has written, “you are invited to add to, create, have conversations, mull over, contemplate, delight in, question, probe, . . . ” – we simply say enjoy!
Click to download Breath of Love, a Pentecost and Environment resource compiled and designed by Sr. Gen Cassani, SSND.
2016 Lenten Reflection on Climate Change February 12th, 2016
Our faith calls us to pray, fast, and give to charity during Lent. As we look inward and spiritually reflect on our own lives, let us also remember our struggling brothers and sisters around the world and even people right in our backyards. To help support your Lenten devotion, Missionary Oblates JPIC is pleased to offer weekly resources centered on a justice theme. WEEK III — The environment/climate change is this week’s focus. 2015 was the year for global action on the environment with several significant happenings, including the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home, and huge rallies for the environment held around the world. Download the resource here. lWEEK II — This second week we focus on the global occurrence of modern day slavery, also known as human trafficking. An estimated 30 million people worldwide are trafficked at any given time. Please feel free to share this resource with your congregations, communities and use during your prayer time. Download the resource here. WEEK I — This week’s focus is migration, a pressing global issue that affects us all. Please feel free to share this resource with your congregations, communities and use during your prayer time. Download the resource here.