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NCRLC – A Great Resource on Rural Life Issues October 23rd, 2009

logocare_bluesmallThe National Catholic Rural Life Conference – NCRLC – offers resources on a range of issues related to rural life. Sign up for a weekly E-bulletin on their website/ This contains brief offerings on rural life programs, agriculture & food issues, and environmental justice concerns. A seasonal prayer or inspirational message is sometimes included.

NCRLC also has a faith-based campaign on stewardship of the earth and climate change. The website offers good resources on this issue and other environmental and food-related concerns.

Learn more…

New Brochures on Water Use, Food, Safe Cleaning Products, Fair Trade and More! October 7th, 2009

Updated brochures on environmental issues from the Oblate JPIC Office are now available in English and Spanish.

Topics include:

Spanish versions are also now available:

We are encouraging widespread distribution of these materials. Click on each topic above to download a PDF for printing and distribution.


Wal-Mart to Measure Sustainability of its Products July 18th, 2009

walmart_exteriorWal-Mart is known for its rock-bottom prices, but customers soon will also be able to choose what products to buy on the basis of their social and environmental impacts – or at least that is the idea, according to the company.  Wal-Mart announced today that it is launching a Sustainability Index – an electronic indexing system that will provide information about a product’s carbon footprint, the gallons of water used to create it, the air pollution left in its wake and social impacts related to production.

The company has recruited scholars, suppliers, and environmental groups to help it create the index – a universal rating system that scores products based on how environmentally and socially sustainable they are over the course of their lives. The goal is to have other retailers adopt the indexing system, which will be created over the next five years.

Click here to read more »

Oblate Parish Pastors Support Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon June 8th, 2009

Oblate pastors of Latin America, meeting in Lima, Peru on April 20-25, 2009, published the following declaration: Protecting and Respecting the Amazon, we protect the indigenous. The declaration was signed by 41 Oblates and 2 diocesan priests.

Click here to read more »

Peruvian Bishops Support Strike by Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon May 21st, 2009

save-amazonNine Peruvian Bishops issued a statement supporting the demands of indigenous peoples of the Amazon for an end to the natural resource exploitation that is destroying the region. The indigenous peoples are calling for the Peruvian Government to respect their human rights over those of big business.

Read their statement (Download PDF)

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