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Beware of Tricolsan in Cleaning Products June 4th, 2013

Triclosan-2The Environmental Working Group is warning us to beware of a toxic chemical that we encounter in cleanup products on our supermarket and drugstore shelves: Triclosan.

Why do we need to be concerned about Triclosan?

Triclosan is an antibacterial chemical found in many consumer products, especially liquid hand soap and dishwashing detergent. It is also an ingredient in some toothpastes, face washes, deodorants, and even antibacterial plastics and fabrics used for things like cutting boards, gym mats and shoe insoles.

Triclosan is linked to liver and inhalation toxicity. Even low levels may disrupt thyroid function. It can end up in lakes, rivers and other water sources, where it is very toxic to aquatic life.

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